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The night was dark and cold. The rain pouring down heavily, instantly wetting everything that came under it. Thunder lighting up the sky after every few seconds, the sound of it roaring all over the forest. But that's exactly how Jungkook liked it. Dark, alone but unbearably loud, only because that's how he always feels. He was in his almighty Golden Wolf form, wandering around the forest all alone.

He was just a small cub when his entire pack was attacked and was brutally murdered. The only thing he remembers about that night is his mother's sobs. No matter how hard he tries, he can never seem to get those cries out of his head. No matter how much he forces to distract himself, his mind always goes back to her. If only he was a bit older, he would've protected her, would've saved everyone from such a horrible fate.

He was a cub, a vulnerable baby, helpless and powerless. But he can't help but blame himself for everything that happened, for everyone that died that night. Being the Golden Wolf of the pack brought him nothing but absolute pain and torture. If it wasn't for his older brother, Namjoon, he was sure he would've gone completely insane by now.

Speaking of his brother, it was like Namjoon read his mind. Jungkook felt Namjoon trying to mind link him. But even before linking his mind with Namjoon's, Jungkook knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Where are you? Jungkook, it's dangerous out there. Come back home right this instant!"

Replying with just a small "okay", Jungkook disconnects the link. As he begins running back home in the cold rain, his mind was revolving around the words Namjoon said. "It's dangerous out there". Jungkook knew exactly what Namjoon meant by that. But he didn't care. He was the reason of this danger anyway.

Arriving back to their small cottage in the middle of nowhere, Jungkook turns back to his human form to let himself in the cozy cottage. The temperature in the house was directly opposite of the weather outside. The living room was warm and homey, thanks to Namjoon and the fire at the fireplace. Jungkook didn't have anyone to make him feel at home, no one except Namjoon. But even Namjoon was unable to take Jungkook's neverending guilt away.

"Finally! Where have you been?" Namjoon's voice was filled with worries as he pops out from the tiny kitchen. He was always looking after his little brother. He knew exactly what Jungkook puts himself through, and if there was any way to make his little brother feel better, he would've done it in a heartbeat.

"Sorry, Namjoon. I lost track of time." The same excuse Jungkook uses every night when he's late. At this point, Jungkook doesn't understand why Namjoon asks him that when he'll always reply with the same fake excuse. Maybe it's the brotherly love that keeps making him ask that question. Or maybe, he wants to know if Jungkook faced any sort of "danger" out in the forest.

After sitting down on their table to eat, they had small talks with each other. This was mostly their everyday routine.
Jungkook leaves the house as soon as the sun comes out, wanders around the forest the entire day, trying to keep his sanity in check and doesn't return until it's too late and Namjoon forces him to return. Even though Namjoon was unable to make Jungkook's guilt disappear, he did used to calm Jungkook down temporarily.

There were days when Namjoon forces Jungkook to stay home, making him help around the house. Even though Jungkook doesn't really enjoy doing chores, they do help him to get distracted for some time. Namjoon only makes Jungkook stay home once a week, he couldn't force him to stay everyday. That will be like keeping Jungkook locked up and he doesn't want to put his little brother through that. Especially, when he's still going through so much for such a painfully long time.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking."

Namjoon's comforting voice makes Jungkook look up from his untouched plate. He hasn't eaten anything and they've been sitting at the table for five minutes now. Jungkook was too busy in his dark thoughts to focus on actually filling up his empty stomach.

"Jungkook, it wasn't your fault. It has been twenty three years since then. How much longer are you going to keep blaming yourself?"

Jungkook's jaw clenches, his dark blue eyes glaring at his hyung as if he was staring deep into his soul. The stare was so cold, it sent shivers down Namjoon's spine. Namjoon was mentally being thankful for at least Jungkook's eyes weren't red.

"Wasn't my fault? Namjoon, every wolf of our pack was murdered along with our parents! And it was only to save me! And you're saying it wasn't my fucking fault?"

"Jungkook, you were a cub back then. You couldn't have done anything."

"Yeah, so it would've been much better if everyone would've just let me get murdered that night. At least the whole pack would've been alive."

"That's enough!" Namjoon voice was louder than usual. Seeing his own little brother say such things hurt him a lot. Namjoon wanted to change their past too, but what Jungkook said, upset him. But his hurt was nothing compared to Jungkook's.

"At least think about our mother before saying such an awful thing!"

Mother. That's when Jungkook went silent again. His mother, her sobs, her loud cries. It all began ringing in his mind again. Without waiting for Namjoon to say anything else, he gets up from his seat and storms into his room.

Their house was quite small, it was nearly impossible to find by any wolf because of how deep in the forest it was. Namjoon and Jungkook made the small cottage themselves to live in, along with a little help from another pack. Ever since their pack got murdered, they've been living in this small hut to keep Jungkook safe, away from everyone else. Except for one pack that they trusted.

Slamming the door shut behind him, Jungkook lands on his wooden, self made bed. He hated having these type of discussions with Namjoon. But at the same time, he understands his older brother, he understands how worried he is of Jungkook. He just wishes there was a way he could bring their parents and their pack back to life. If only he could change their past.

He was exhausted, doing all the useless exploring in the forest along with heavy rain, tired him out. He was so closing on passing out when he noticed someone trying to mind link him. Of course, who else would it be at this late hour other than Jungkook's caring, childhood friend.

"Hey, Jungkook! I knew you'd be awake at this hour."

"I was just about to sleep, Jimin. What do you want?"

"Ah, sorry for bothering. Just wanted to remind you of our plan tomorrow. Be ready by evening!"

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Jungkook!" And their link ended.

Jimin is from the Red Rock Pack. The only pack that stayed loyal to the Blood Shadow Pack and is still the only friendly pack Namjoon and Jungkook have. None of the packs know about Namjoon and Jungkook's whereabouts. No one except the Red Rock. Jungkook's father was the leader of Blood Shadow pack, and a very close friend of the leader of Red Rock Pack. So close, that Red Rock was the only alley Blood Shadow had in their deadly war.

Even now, the pack still helps Namjoon and Jungkook a lot to stay alive in the forest. They always give the two brothers the light of hope they really need. The pack has looked after the two ever since that night happened. They treated them nicely and provided them food every once in a while. But Jungkook staying with them would mean putting them in danger too. So it was better if the two brothers stayed in the forest, alone. It was for their own safety as well.

But a few familes of the Red Rock, which were loyal to their leader, were assigned to come check up on these two after every few weeks. One of that family being of Jimin's. Which is mainly the reason why Jimin and Jungkook became really good friends. Jimin is really the only friend Jungkook has. Even though it was considered odd to many wolves for an alpha to be friends with an omega, their friendship was truly remarkable.

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