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"I can mind link mom. She can come and help us here." Taehyung says, giving a light of hope to everyone stuck in their cages.

"Okay. Try it, Taehyung." Yoongi says. Nodding to his brother's words, Taehyung opened his link for his mother. As Taehyung was speaking to his mother through the link, the rest just waited until it'll be over so Taehyung could update them on what happened. After a few minutes, he glances around the others before his eyes getting fixed onto Jungkook.

"She's coming over. She said she'll do whatever it takes to get us free." Taehyung speaks, making everyone let out a sigh of relief. Everyone except Jungkook. Jungkook can't be fully in relief yet, not until he holds his Taehyung in his arms again, not until he feels his breathing mixing with Taehyung's.


After impatiently waiting for an hour or so in their cages, they finally hear noises coming from outside the basement. It was two people arguing, a feminine voice and a masculine voice. And by the sounds of it, it was definitely JiHoon and YeJun.

The door slams open, YeJun yelling and leading the way inside the basement, follow by JiHoon.

"Who the hell gave you the right to lock up my kids like this?!"

"YeJun, you don't understand! We need the Golden Wolf!"

"No! You fucking need to get yourself fixed! You psychopath!"

Just as YeJun yelled that, he walks over to the cages, starting to open up Taehyung's cage first. She was able to open the cage until JiHoon approached her, grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the cage. "Why do you always have to go against me?! I'm your fucking mate, for crying out loud!" YeJun glares into JiHoon's eyes before yanking her arm out of his grip. "A murderer can never be my mate."

The hurt could be clearly seen on JiHoon's face. Hearing such things from his mate would definitely be hurtful. But YeJun was right, JiHoon was a murderer. YeJun turns back to freeing her sons, successfully freeing Yoongi and Taehyung from their chains and the cages. Both of them run over to their mate's cage. Taehyung kneels down besides Jungkook's cage, their eyes locked together. Taehyung's eyes were still filled with concern because his mate was still chained up. However Jungkook's eyes were relaxed now, he was at peace knowing Taehyung was free.

YeJun freed Jimin next and just as she was about to free Jungkook, JiHoon stepped in her way again. "You can free whoever you want, but I will not fucking allow the Golden Wolf to get out of here!" YeJun was glaring into JiHoon's eyes, but before she could speak, Taehyung jumped up to his feet hurrying over to his parents. "Father, please. Don't do this, let Jungkook go, please!" Taehyung cried down, begging JiHoon to free Jungkook.

"Shut the fuck up!" JiHoon yells out, slapping Taehyung across his cheek. Taehyung falls down on the floor, his lip bleeding by the harsh hit, his cheek prominently red. Taehyung's eyes began to water even more, the hit stinging his skin. Jungkook's heart completely stopped seeing Taehyung being hit. Jungkook's wolf was extremely sad and boiling with anger just by seeing Taehyung get hurt. Even though it was Taehyung who got slapped, the pain was felt by Jungkook as well. "I will fucking kill you." Jungkook's wolf growls out at JiHoon.

Taehyung's teary eyes meet Jungkook's wide open, painful ones. Jungkook was dying to hold his baby to his chest, to tell Taehyung he was safe and protected. These cursed chains, they were preventing Jungkook from even protecting his omega, which made him feel even more guilty. But it seems like Jungkook's death threat was completely ignored by JiHoon.

Taehyung was helped up by his mother and Yoongi. Because of that slap, YeJun accidentally drops the keys in shock. Thankfully, JiHoon doesn't notice the keys falling so Jimin picks them up secretly. Jimin couldn't move closer to Jungkook's cage as JiHoon was right in front of it. So Jimin sneaks over to Namjoon's cage instead, unlocking the chains to set Namjoon free.

Namjoon gets out of the cage, gaining JiHoon attention. JiHoon's eyes then fall on Jimin, looking at the keys in his hand. Anger took over JiHoon, stepping over to Jimin. "You little shit!" JiHoon was stopped midway by Yoongi's grip on his shoulder. Of course, being Jimin's mate, Yoongi was going to protect him no matter what. "Father, that's enough!" He pushes JiHoon away from Jimin as Yoongi takes the keys from Jimin and gives them to Namjoon instead.

"How dare you, you little brat!" JiHoon yells out at Yoongi, about to hit him too. But YeJun steps in, grabbing JiHoon's hand. "That's seriously enough, JiHoon! Stop hitting my kids!" Her voice was strong, but the hurt and pain could be sensed in it too. JiHoon just glares at YeJun before he notices Namjoon making his way over to Jungkook's cage.

Taehyung was sitting besides Jungkook's cage again, quietly crying while Jungkook kept looking at Taehyung with weak eyes. Jungkook's wolf was too worn out, too much in pain to say anything. He wanted to hold Taehyung, protect him and keep him away from all sorts of hurt and pain. But the helplessness, the vulnerable feeling Jungkook is feeling regarding Taehyung, is draining Jungkook's wolf with all of his energy, filling him up with nothing but sorrow.

YeJun was arguing with JiHoon again when Namjoon quickly comes over to Jungkook's cage, opening the cage up. Taehyung jumps up onto his feet again, hurrying inside the cage as it was opened. Sitting against Jungkook's head, he places Jungkook's head over his lap, hugging it tightly. He was crying against Jungkook's head now while he nuzzled into Taehyung's arms. Oh how much they wanted to be in each other's embrace.

But before Namjoon could remove the chains, JiHoon appears again.

"Guards! Grab him!"

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