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Jungkook groans, finally coming back to his senses. It took him a few minutes for his brain to start functioning again. Taking in the surroundings, he realized he was locked up in a large cage in a dark room. The only light was a small, dull lightbulb hanging by the side of the cage. Looking around, he saw he was still in his wolf form. His paws chained together, preventing him from standing up. Where the fuck am I? Jungkook thinks for a few seconds, before he starts remembering what happened before he passed out.

The cabin, the appearance of JiHoon, the way he triggered Jungkook, and then the shot. JiHoon definitely hit Jungkook with something to make him faint. But what was Jungkook doing here? Did he get captured by JiHoon? For how long has Jungkook been passed out for? And where exactly is he? Is Jungkook being held in some prison of Blue Moon? All of these questions running through Jungkook's mind would be answered soon enough. But there was one question that was actually scaring him. The question he was too afriad to even think about.

Where was his Taehyung? Was Taehyung alright? Is he safe? What happened after he fainted? The thought of Taehyung being hurt was shaking Jungkook's wolf and his soul to the very core. He could smell Taehyung's lovely scent coming from behing him but due to the lack of light, he couldn't see anything. He can just hope he's wrong and that his baby wasn't here, that Taehyung is somewhere safe. If that fucker JiHoon lays a single finger on his omega, Jungkook would definitely make JiHoon beg for death. But first, he needs to get out of here, to escape from this cage so he can be with Taehyung. Jungkook will do whatever it takes to be united with his one and only.

Jungkook starts trying to get himself out of those chains. He tried breaking them, hitting them of the ground, used his deadly sharp teeth. But nothing happened, the chains didn't even budge. They were too strong even for the Golden Wolf. That's when Jungkook realized, the chains were made especially for him. JiHoon definitely planned everything out and prepared these chains for the Golden Wolf. JiHoon was surely waiting for a long time to find Jungkook.

Now that Jungkook was sure he can't break through the chains and the only way to set himself free was to find the keys to unlock the chains. Jungkook just needs to get these chains off of him, he's sure he'll break through the cage in a second. Turning back to his human form, Jungkook notices the size of those chains changed. The chains were designed in a way that they adjusted to Jungkook's size but wouldn't let him get up from the ground.

"Hey! Is anyone there?! Someone?!" Jungkook starts randomly yelling out, hoping someone would appear to help him. After a few seconds of Jungkook's constant yelling, Jungkook hears a door opening. His eyes immediately moving towards the direction of the door. The opened door was letting some of the light come through, lighting up the stairs that led to the door. The stairs, that means Jungkook is in some sort of a basement.

Then a figure appears, coming down the stairs. Jungkook couldn't see his face because of how dark the room was. Once the person reached the bottom of the stairs, he pressed the switch to light up the entire room. Jungkook's eyes immediately shut, adjusting to the sudden light. After a second, when Jungkook could see clearly again, he opens his eyes to spot Him. The bastard that Jungkook should've killed as soon as he walked through that cabin's door.

"Awh, the little Golden Wolf is awake, hm?" JiHoon speaks with a mocking tone, making Jungkook clench his jaw in pure anger. Jungkook's eyes were starting to get red, his blood was boiling. But he wasn't going to let JiHoon distract Jungkook from his main focus.

"Where is Taehyung?" Jungkook asks with a growl. He was trying his best to stay calm but having JiHoon in his presence made it impossible for Jungkook to relax. "Ah, yes. Taehyung. Aren't you a loving little mate." JiHoon chuckles with a mocking tone once again. Jungkook hated JiHoon, but he hated more was the fact that how easily JiHoon gets on his nerves. But then again, he murdered Jungkook's family. And now, Jungkook could lose Taehyung because of him. So it was obvious for Jungkook to get this furious.

Jungkook kept glaring at JiHoon with his red eyes, not saying a single word. After a few seconds of those two just glaring at each other, JiHoon sighs in defeat. But Jungkook could sense the bullshit even in JiHoon's sign. "Okay fine, geez. If you really want to know where Taehyung is, I'll tell you." JiHoon says, his eyes looking down at Jungkook, who was on the floor because of those cursed chains.

Before JiHoon speaks again, his lips turn into an evil smirk, pointing behind Jungkook's cage. "Your entire focus was on me that you didn't even realize your whole family is right here." Hearing JiHoon's words, Jungkook immediately flips to his other side, his eyes widening and his mouth falling open at the horrifying sight he was seeing.

Jungkook wasn't the only one in a cage, Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi were individually trapped in the cages too, chained up just like Jungkook. But that's when Jungkook's eyes landed on his baby. Taehyung was chained up as well, in a cage just like everyone else. They all were still unconscious, JiHoon probably shot them with the same thing he shot Jungkook to make them pass out. Jungkook's heart beat increased in the most painful way, seeing his Taehyung like that. Jungkook's wolf was howling, screaming, wanting to help his mate. But the helplessness Jungkook was feeling made his breath get stuck in his throat.

"No.. no no no, this can't be happening. Taehyung!" Jungkook yells out, his voice getting shaky because of how worried and afraid his wolf was at this moment. Jungkook eyes landed back on JiHoon was who laughing at Jungkook's misery. If only Jungkook wasn't tied up, he would be playing with JiHoon's bones right now.

"God, what a sight to see. I never thought I would see The Golden Wolf suffering like this."

"Let him go, you motherfucker! You wanted me, not him. You don't want any of them, just let them fucking go!"

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