Forty Two.

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Jungkook was forced out of his slumber when his mind kept getting signals from Namjoon to mind link. When he opens his eyes, he sees his baby sleeping peacefully against his chest. Tightening his arms, he opens the link for his brother.

"Jungkook, where the hell were you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Namjoon. We're at the Magi Forest."

Jungkook had to explain it all to Namjoon, he wouldn't let him sleep until he told him everything.

"Okay. We're coming there too. Can you ask the wizards to let us in?"

"I thought we had to stay separate until JiHoon is taken down."

"JiHoon and his wolves can't find the Magi Forest, remember? Just ask the leaders if we could come."

"Right now?"

"Yes. Right now. Jungkook, we don't have any time to waste. Do you want to wait until JiHoon does something to lure you both out of hiding?"

That was a good point. Staying hidden for much long would be dangerous too. JiHoon could attack their families to make them come out. That's when it hits Jungkook. Taking the packs down one by one wouldn't work either. Just after a single attack, JiHoon and his army could stick together so Jungkook wouldn't have to a chance to attack them separately.

He tells the same thought of this to Namjoon and that puts him in doubt as well. They really need a solid, well prepared plan to take JiHoon down. And the Magi Forest seems to be the perfect answer for it.

Disconnecting the link, Jungkook feels bad for leaving his sleeping baby in the bed. He had to talk to Kingston as soon as possible. Getting dressed, he leaves the room but he didn't go too far from it, knowing Taehyung would be upset if Jungkook wasn't around when he wakes.

"Joshua, where's Kingston?" Luckily Joshua was nearby.

"I'll call him." With that, Joshua flies away to get Kingston. While Jungkook waits for Kingston to return, he takes a look around the giant castle. Everything seemed so expensive and valuable in here. There were many things he had never even before.

"Golden Wolf. How may I help?" Jungkook's turns around when he hears Kingston's voice.

"What's your position in the castle?"

"I'm the head of wizards. Why?"

"I need a few family members allowed in the Magi. Who do I have to talk for that?"

"You must visit the elders then. They make such rules for everyone here."

Kingston was about to lead the way for Jungkook towards the elders when he feels Taehyung's wolf. His baby was crying and tensed. Not good, not good at all. He runs back to the room, leaving Kingston confused behind him.

Upon arriving at the room, Jungkook sees his baby holding onto the blanket around him while two people stood by the bottom of the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook growls out, making the two witches jump back from the bed. Jungkook notices Taehyung sobbing, hiding under the blanket. That's when he realizes, Taehyung was naked. They bathed before going to bed and didn't dress up.

"We're sor-" Jungkook doesn't let the witches finish, growling out again.

"Get the fuck out!" The witches were quick to fly out of the room, Jungkook slamming the door shut behind them. He immediately gets on the bed, embracing his lover to his chest. Taehyung instantly melted in his mate's arms. He needed to be in Jungkook's safe arms desperately.

"Shh, baby. I'm here, you're safe." Jungkook whispers, calming his baby down.

"Don't leave m- me like.. that again.. please."

"I won't, baby. I won't, I promise." They stayed like that for a while, until Taehyung was completely relaxed down. Jungkook hated the fact the witches dared to enter their room while Taehyung was in such a state. He would definitely have a word with Kingston or whoever the head of witches is for this.


The love birds were currently standing in front of the elders here. Taehyung already knows what was happening, he has read through Jungkook's mind. Now after explaining everything to the elders, they allowed for their families to join them here.

Thanking them, the love birds exit the room only for Jungkook to glare at Kingston. Taehyung clinging to his Jungkook's side.

"Tell your witches and everyone else here to stay the hell away from Taehyung until he says otherwise himself."

Taehyung blushes at Jungkook's possessive words. He didn't like the witches showing up in the room like that. But seeing how jealous Jungkook got, maybe it was worth it for Taehyung. Kingston just nods, being really scared to speak up before quickly flying away.

"You're so hot when you're jealous."

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