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Jungkook's painful words were like an amusement to JiHoon. He surely was enjoying seeing Jungkook like this. Jungkook's legs were starting to get weak even when he wasn't standing, his heart about to jump out of his chest. He was scared, the most scared he has ever been. And it was not because of himself. It was for his one and only Taehyung. Jungkook couldn't help but think that JiHoon would hurt Taehyung to make Jungkook suffer, to use Taehyung to make Jungkook do whatever JiHoon wants.

"Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't hurt any of them. I just needed them to make you weak." JiHoon's voice didn't have any mocking in it anymore, it was like he was just stating the plan he had.

So Jungkook's worries were right, JiHoon was planning on using his baby, who clearly is Jungkook's only weakness, against Jungkook. He knows that if JiHoon had plans of just killing him, he would've already done it. But it seems like that wasn't JiHoon's plan at all. He wanted to make Jungkook suffer, have the Golden Wolf working under him. Jungkook's eyes now turned gray, representing sadness and worry for his omega.

"Aw, Jungkook. Don't worry. Just when I am sure I have you completely under my control, I promise to let them all go."

Even though Jungkook's ears were listening to JiHoon's painful words, but his now blue eyes were staring at an unconscious Taehyung. He can't look away from him, Jungkook feels that even if he blinks, his Taehyung would be taken away from him. Jungkook's wolf was just as much in pain as his heart was. Tears were rolling down Jungkook's cheeks before he even realized he was crying.

"Please.. just let them go. I'll do whatever you want." Jungkook speaks in a shaky whisper. His wolf was too weak, too afraid to fight back at the moment. Any wrong move Jungkook makes would lead to Taehyung being hurt by JiHoon. Jungkook can't let that happen, he would sacrifice himself for Taehyung, but he won't let a single scratch hurt his baby.

"Is that so? What makes you think I'll believe you?" Jungkook didn't reply to JiHoon's question, instead he kept staring at Taehyung. Jungkook was breaking inside seeing Taehyung like this while Taehyung seemed to be in so much peace, sleeping on that cold floor. If only Jungkook could hold Taehyung to his chest, to keep his omega warm and protected. Jungkook started to feel like it was his fault they're in this situation. If he had listened to Taehyung and ran away when he had the chance, none of them would be in this situation right now. Taehyung wouldn't have been in this danger. It's all my fault.

As Jungkook didn't reply back to JiHoon, he left after a few seconds, locking the door as he exited the basement. Noticing that JiHoon was gone, Jungkook began trying to remove his chains again, growling out in frustration when nothing was happening. That's when Jungkook heard a familiar voice.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon calls out to him from his cage. Finally, someone was conscious besides Jungkook now. Namjoon meets Jungkook's blue teary eyes. Seeing his little brother like this, Namjoon felt his heart breaking into two. "Namjoon, I'm so sorry, I didn't know–"

"Shhh, it's okay. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself for something you didn't know." Namjoon says in a comforting voice, something that always calmed Jungkook down ever since he was a kid. "We need to focus on how to get out of here first." Jungkook just nods in response to Namjoon.

Looking around, Namjoon started trying to wake the others up. So Jungkook began doing the same, calling out Taehyung's name, hoping he would wake up. And thankfully, Taehyung did wake up. Whining a little, the omega opens his eyes to take in the surroundings. A huge wave of relief washes over Jungkook seeing his baby wake up.

"Oh thank God. Tae, baby. You're okay, it's going to be alright." Jungkook says with his softest tone. As Taehyung's eyes locked with Jungkook, his hazel eyes began watering up. Taehyung was scared, of the way they're chained up, of what his father would do. But most importantly, if Jungkook would be safe or not. Taehyung's wolf immediately started calling out for Jungkook's in desperation. Jungkook's wolf responds every call Taehyung was making, they needed to be in each other's hold. But this cursed chains were in there way.

Taehyung and Jungkook were too lost in each other that they didn't notice Yoongi and Jimin were now awake too until Namjoon spoke up. "Guys, we need a plan. Any ideas?" After a few seconds of silence, Yoongi speaks up. "We can't break through these chains. The ones we're in, are especially made for wolves that get prisoned for showing disloyalty to their pack leader. So it's impossible to get out of them." Then Yoongi's gaze turn over to Jungkook's chains. "But those aren't any normal chains. Father has been preparing for special chains for whenever he captures the Golden Wolf. Those chains are stronger than any normal chain."

Yoongi explains everyone that breaking out of these chains were out of this question. They needed the keys to break free, that's the only thing that can remove the chains from them. That's when Taehyung spoke up with a soft, whimpering tone.

"I know someone who can get us out of here."

"Who?" Namjoon asks while the rest just look towards Taehyung, while Taehyung's eyes were looking into Jungkook's.


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