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"Okay, that's perfect."

Jimin says to Jungkook as he successfully applies a bandaid over Taehyung's forehead scar. It wasn't that difficult, but it was really hard for Jungkook, especially when he was trying not to hurt Taehyung.

"Are you alright, baby?" Jungkook asks with a soft tone and Taehyung nods in response, avoiding Jungkook's heart melting gaze. That was the only scar on Taehyung's face, now Jungkook just needed to tend the wounds Taehyung has on his body. But Jungkook wasn't going to lift up his mate's shirt in front of Jimin and Namjoon. Jungkook just asks how to dress those wounds so he could do them alone with Taehyung.

Watching Jungkook listening to Jimin closely on how to aid the wounds, Taehyung's cheeks began heating up and his heart beat increased so fast. He knew exactly what was going to happen. Taehyung would have to remove his shirt in front of Jungkook. That thought was making Taehyung so nervous, he felt his hands shaking in his lap.

Once Jungkook had understood everything, Taehyung felt his hand being gently grabbed. Jungkook was now leading Taehyung into his room and on its way there, Taehyung swore his heart stopped with each step he took closer to Jungkook's room. Just in a few seconds, the entire atmosphere changed around Taehyung. He was alone with Jungkook in a room, his heart pounding so loud.

Jungkook notices the tensed state of Taehyung as his hands immediately go up to caress Taehyung's cheek bones. Taehyung was trying to avoid Jungkook gaze but when Jungkook cupped his cheeks, he was forced to look into Jungkook's blue eyes. Jungkook takes a few seconds to admire his baby's hazel eyes before giving him a reassuring smile. Taehyung's heart sank at the smile Jungkook showed.

"It's okay, baby. You're safe with me." Jungkook's voice was comforting and relaxing. Taehyung just nods at his words, lowering his head. "I just need to clean your wounds, baby." Taehyung hums in response, giving Jungkook the green signal to remove Taehyung's shirt.

Jungkook's hands slowly began to unbutton Taehyung's shirt. Jungkook made sure he was going slow so Taehyung could stop him whenever he got uncomfortable. But Taehyung doesn't stop him, he didn't mind any of it. Taehyung was just too shy to say or do anything himself. After a few more seconds, Taehyung's shirt was completely off, his upper body being in full view for Jungkook.

Taehyung felt Jungkook's eyes gazing at his bare skin, making his legs go all weak. Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to be uneasy so he tired his best not to look for too long but he couldn't help to steal some glances at his Taehyung's frame. Even though there were small cuts on Taehyung's sides and back, he still looked absolutely beautiful with his perfect curves and features. Jungkook could just sit and admire Taehyung for days, and he would still be mesmerized by Taehyung's beauty.

Jungkook grabs Taehyung's hand again, taking him over to his bed and gently lays Taehyung down on his stomach. Seeing Taehyung getting in a comfortable position, Jungkook knew Taehyung wasn't feeling awkward. Sitting down besides him, Jungkook carefully starts cleaning Taehyung's cuts with some cotton. Jungkook made sure his touches were soft, preventing as much pain as he can for Taehyung. Whenever Taehyung winces, Jungkook's touch became even more gentle.

Jungkook wasn't liking seeing his Taehyung like this, it was making his blood boil thinking someone hurt Taehyung like this. If he finds whoever did this, he will make sure to go ten times worse on them. But right now, Jungkook had to stay calm and focus on Taehyung. Deciding to break the silence and distract himself, Jungkook speaks up. "Baby, what's your pack name?" Jungkook asks while cleaning the wounds.

"Blue Moon."

As soon as Jungkook heard Taehyung's words, his breath gets caught in his throat. Jungkook's body immediately stopping, his mind racing with all the thoughts. Was this true? Jungkook's mate was from Blue Moon? The pack he has despised the most, hated for all his life, his own mate is from that pack. The pack that killed his pack, his parents, took a loving mother away from Jungkook. The pack he had wanted to murder for years now. Jungkook's mind was so fucked at the moment, he didn't realize how much in his mind he had gotten until Taehyung shakes his hand slowly.

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