Fifty One.

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Jungkook fainted. Right in the middle of the battle, helping Namjoon when he just falls unconscious. Taehyung felt it all. He was breaking down, panicking in the room as everyone tried to calm him down but failed. Jungkook's and Taehyung's souls were one now. If one of them was unconscious, the other doesn't feel them at all, causing them to feel insanely numb. He couldn't feel Jungkook's wolf anymore and it was too painful.

The only thing Taehyung could feel about Jungkook was his beating heart. Indicating that the alpha was alive. It relieved Taehyung in a way, but he it was still painful since he couldn't feel anything else. Taehyung's physical state was starting to get weaker by the second, he could feel Jungkook getting further away from him and that made him nearly lifeless. What was happening?

Jimin and Jin were trying to get Taehyung to come back to normal. But it wasn't working. He just kept getting weaker. After a while, Namjoon and the rest hurry inside the room, surprising everyone. Taehyung's red, swollen eyes longingly stare at the door, hoping his Jungkook would come running to him any second now. But it never happened.


Taehyung was being laid on the bed in the elders' room. His skin pale, his eyes red and his body weak. He couldn't speak properly either. All he could mumble was Jungkook's name again and again. Something bad was happening. But what?

"We need to get them back together." One of the elder witch says, looking towards Namjoon and the rest.

"Their souls merged into one after their mating ritual during the eclipse. They both have a single soul so their bodies should always stay close." The witch continues.

Everyone was confused, glancing at each other before meeting the witch's eyes again.

"Connected souls have to keep their physical beings connected as well. Otherwise, the soul starts to get weak, paralyzing the two bodies. Until they meet again."

This was bad, really bad. They needed to come up with a plan and they needed to it right now. Namjoon had already informed Jimin and Jin of what happened in the battlefield. Since Jungkook is a Golden Wolf, nothing was harming him. He kept healing the scratches and wounds he got. So JiHoon had come with the same needle trick he did before. Getting Jungkook off guard, he hit him.

When Jungkook was out cold, JiHoon managed to escape with a few other wolves, taking Jungkook with them. Namjoon was feeling guilty. It was his fault his baby brother got captured. He spent his entire life protecting him, now he was the reason why he got captured. He couldn't help but blame himself for whatever happened.

"Don't worry. We'll find him." Yoongi speaks, referring to Taehyung and Namjoon. Both of them needed Jungkook back safe and sound. Especially Taehyung. He felt like he was dying, his soul being too weak to do anything.

Jin and Jimin decided to stay behind with Taehyung as everyone left to come up with a plan to rescue Jungkook. Taehyung sees them disappearing out the door, hoping the next time they enter in, Jungkook would be right besides him, ready to hold him in his strong arms.

Taehyung still couldn't feel Jungkook's wolf. Meaning he was still unconscious. Taehyung was getting some hope from the beating heart he felt of his mate.



Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok didn't wait for any plan to come their minds. They were about to head out with all the magical beings of Magi Forest to attack JiHoon. But they were stopped by an elder wizard.

"You should take the Golden Wolf's mate with you." He states.

"He's too weak." Yoongi speaks.

"And so will be the Golden Wolf. He couldn't be able to do much with such a weak soul."

Yoongi and Namjoon exchange glances. Would this be safe? How could they possibly take Taehyung along? He could barely walk.

"I will cast a few spells on the omega to make him float and invisible to everyone but Jungkook's eyes. Take him, the Golden Wolf needs him."

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