Thirty One.

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After whispering those words, Jungkook quickly started heading towards the door. He knows that if Taehyung speaks one more word, he'll break and wouldn't be able to say no. Jungkook didn't turn to look back, seeing those hazel eyes, he knows he won't be able to leave either. Stepping out of the house, Jungkook takes a deep breath to calm his wolf down, who was desperately wanting to be with Taehyung already.

"This way, guys." Hoseok says, leading the way over to the palace. Jungkook quietly starts following behind until he felt a hand over his shoulder. "Don't worry, Jungkook You'll get back with Taehyung soon." Namjoon gives him a reassuring soft smile but Jungkook knew Namjoon was just as desperate as him to go back to his mate.

"Hey, Taehyung. It's okay, I'm sure they'll be back soon." Jin says, giving a crying Taehyung a tissue. Jin and Jimin were worried about their mates too, but they weren't in danger like Jungkook was. Jungkook's life was the one JiHoon was after and won't stop until he has it. The worries were consuming Taehyung's mind, his wolf was getting scared. He just hopes Jungkook would return soon and nothing bad will happen.

Jimin sits besides Taehyung, giving him a warm hug to comfort the other. Jungkook means a lot to Jimin too, he doesn't want to see Jungkook being hurt. But being in Taehyung's shoes right now, is even harder. The thought of losing a friend is too painful, Jimin can't imagine what Taehyung is going through. Just the thought of losing one's mate is extremely sorrowful for the wolves, breaking their soul.


"In here." Hoseok says. They've already arrived at the palace. Right now, they're entering the room where Hyun arranged the meeting. The room was filled with only alphas. But Jungkook spotted a few omegas there too. If this meeting was only going to be with alphas, what are those omegas doing here?

"They're the omegas who haven't found their mates yet." Hoseok says to Jungkook, noticing the way Jungkook was staring at those few omegas. "Omegas who haven't mated are allowed to be in the meeting?" Jungkook asks, turning his attention to Hoseok now. "Well, yes. But it's their choice. Omegas are given the choice if they want to battle or not. However, alphas are always put up whenever there is a battle happening."

Jungkook nods in response, looking over to the big table everyone was sitting along Following behind Namjoon and Yoongi, Jungkook sits down on the chair between those two. Jungkook doesn't really know what they will be discussing in this meeting, but he sure as hell feels the heavy tension in the room.

"Okay, since we're all here, it's time to begin." Hyun says, standing up from his chair. Hyun was sitting on a chair that was placed over a small stage, being above everyone else. "I'm sure everyone knows that the Golden Wolf is among us. Jungkook. Please stand and show yourself." Hearing those words, Jungkook stands up from his chair. He could hear every conversation in the room. Having these excellent hearing senses are a blessing and a curse at the same time.

"How would we know he's the Golden Wolf?"

"Yeah, he doesn't look like one!"

"What a fake! We don't believe any of this!"

"He's just a show off! He's a normal wolf like all of us!"

Everyone in the room started yelling, they didn't believe anything. But Jungkook didn't care about what others believed or not, he didn't come to this meeting to prove anyone anything. He just stood there, glaring down at Namjoon with a clenched jaw. Jungkook was annoyed, not because people didn't believe him, but because he left a crying Taehyung behind only to come to this bullshit of a meeting where he's being called fake. He swears, if this is what he left his Taehyung behind for, he will make sure to destroy this lovely meeting room of Hyun's.

"Hey now, everyone calm down. I am your leader, you guys should trust me!" Hyun says, trying to calm the wolves in the room.

"The Golden Wolf was left in the forest years ago! For all we know, the Golden Wolf died years ago!" Another wolf in the room yells out, getting "Yeah!" and "He's right!" from everyone else.

"Okay, how about we prove it to you?" Hyun says, meeting eyes with Jungkook. The deadly glare Jungkook's blue eyes had, made a scared shiver run down Hyun's spine. "Jungkook, why don't you join me up here?" Jungkook's eyes landed down on Namjoon who gave Jungkook a small nod. Jungkook began walking towards the stage, standing right beside Hyun while eyeing the crowd of alphas in front of him.

"To prove it to you all that Jungkook indeed is the Golden Wolf, he will turn into his wolf form for you all to see." Hyun says, turning his attention over to Jungkook.

"This is bullshit. I didn't come here to fucking give proof of my existence. I'm not proving anything. You all can believe whatever the fuck you want." Jungkook's eyes were now turning red, his annoyance was going through the roof. He can't believe he forced himself to leave his baby alone only to come to this shit.

"I am done here. Thank you so much for your help, Sir." Jungkook says to Hyun, trying his best to be nice. But everyone noticed the hint of sarcasm in that sentence. Stepping down the stage, Jungkook began walking towards the door.

"Stop! You're not going anywhere, Jungkook." Yoongi says in an orderly voice, stopping Jungkook's in his tracks. Jungkook turns around, glaring at Yoongi. "Oh yeah? Watch me." Jungkook turns back to the door, about to exit the room when he heard Hyun yell out.

"Don't let him get out!"

The alphas started to gather up against the exit, preventing Jungkook from leaving. Jungkook's eyes turned even a darker shade of red. These wolves were stopping Jungkook from going back to Taehyung, and that was completely unacceptable.

"What the fuck? Let me go!" Jungkook yells out, turning back to look at Hyun. But Namjoon jumps in before Hyun could say anything. "Jungkook, just show them you are the Golden Wolf and lets just get this over with. Please." Jungkook growls out in anger, which makes most of the alphas get second thoughts about pissing Jungkook off.

"Fine! If that's what it takes for me to go back to Taehyung, I'll fucking prove it."

Jungkook then turns into his Golden Wolf form, his golden and black furr shining under the lights in the room. Everyone in the room gasps at the sight of Jungkook. Fucking finally, they believe that Jungkook is actually the Golden Wolf.

Once everyone had seen Jungkook and the gasps in the room finally died down, Jungkook turns back to his human form, glaring at Hyun. "Now tell them to let me fucking go." Hearing Jungkook's words, Hyun commands everyone to step aside and let Jungkook go out. Glancing one more time at Namjoon, Jungkook began walking towards the exit. But he suddenly stops in his steps when he feels Jimin signaling his mind. Opening his mind link to Jimin, Jungkook connected their minds.

"Jungkook, where are you? You need to come back right now!"

"I'm on my way. What happened?"

"It's Taehyung.. just hurry please!"

Jungkook's heart sank at those words. He knew he shouldn't have left Taehyung alone even for a second. If anything happens to Taehyung, Jungkook will never be able to forgive himself. But for whatever reason, Jungkook's wolf was feeling different. It was craving for Taehyung, but in a way that Jungkook has never felt before. Jungkook's wolf is giving him mixed signals, his heart is worried about Taehyung's well being, but his wolf is making his heart race like never before.

Without wasting anymore time, Jungkook turns into his wolf form again, running towards the house they stayed in. While Yoongi and Namjoon stayed behind to handle the situation in the palace. Thanks to Jungkook's fast speed and long legs, he arrived at the house in just a few minutes. Turning back to human, he rushes inside the house to meet Jin and Jimin standing in the living room. But Taehyung wasn't there. But his senses were hit by the most delicious scent as soon as he entered the house.

"Where is he?!" Jungkook screams out, his heart was going to explode if he doesn't see his Taehyung in the next second. His wolf was eager to see his soulmate, a huge part of him knowing this temptingly alluring aura was coming from none other than his baby.

"Upstairs in the bedroom." Jimin replies with a soft tone. Jungkook runs over to the stairs, slamming the door open. The sight in front of him left his eyes wide in shock while he was panting from all the running he's been doing.

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