Forty Six.

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Jungkook was still seated on his seat, among the others around him. But they didn't have their attention on Jungkook. He was lost in his own thoughts. Especially of what would happen later during the day.

He was brought back from his thoughts when he couldn't feel Taehyung's cries anymore. His baby seemed to have calm down after hearing the alpha's thoughts. Jungkook could read Taehyung's thoughts as well. The smaller felt the same. They didn't care if they live or die, they just wanted to be together in every situation. Jungkook felt relieved, knowing Taehyung wanted to become one with him.

"I'll get going now." Jungkook announces to the rest, running out of the room before anyone could reply. He was hurrying over t his Taehyung. The time for the eclipse was approaching, meaning the omega would soon start going into heat. He has to be there ths time, he needs to be with him through it all.

When he enters the room they left the omegas in, he finds Taehyung sitting on the floor, hugging his knees with Jimin and Jin sitting on either side.

"We calmed him down." Jimin said proudly, thinking it was them who stopped Taehyung from sobbing. But in reality, it was the thoughts he shared with Jungkook.

"Of course you did." Jungkook says, not wanting to ruin the proud moment for Jimin. Taehyung was longingly staring at Jungkook, waiting to be in his alpha's strong arms. Within a minute, the smaller was cradled up in Jungkook's arms, being taken to their bedroom. Knowing what was going to happen next was making Taehyung's heart beat like crazy, blush appearing on his heated cheeks.

Arriving in the bedroom, Jungkook locks the door, laying Taehyung down on the bed. The moon wasn't in sight yet, so they had some time before Taehyung starts going in heat. In that while, Jungkook hovered above the smaller frame, leaving soft and love filled kisses on Taehyung's face.

"You're so beautiful." Jungkook whispers between the kisses, grinning when he notices how fast Taehyung's heart beat was. He loved having this much affect on his baby.

"Koo.." He whispers, it was a submissive call, earning a growl from the alpha.

"Yes, baby?"

Taehyung doesn't say anything, instead just presses his soft lips against Jungkook's. The alpha immediately picked up, taking over the kiss and letting it flow beautifully. Tingles and sparks; that's all they both felt as they tasted each other's lips. Everything of them moves and fits perfectly with their mate's, showing how much they're meant for each other.

The kiss was passionate, yet soft. Delicate yet eager. Taehyung couldn't find he words to describe this wonderful kiss. All he knew was that it was out of this world. Being under his alpha, being kissed so lovingly and having Jungkook's scent on him. This surely was Taehyung's paradise.

Jungkook was lost in the kiss as well. He wouldn't ever part his lips from his baby's if that was possible. Unfortunately, he had to break from his cloud nine experience for some air. Their foreheads pressed together, both of their eyes closed. Their breaths mixed, meltint into each other's warmth.

Just then, a small unexpected whimper leaves Taehyung's lips and begins squirming underneath the other's strong frame. Jungkook looks out the window. The moon, it was coming in sight now.

"Baby. It's starting."

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