First meeting 2.

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You are getting to know each other for the first time.

Part 2

A first impression is when a person forms a pictorial image of another person or a new situation when meeting them for the first time.

An "all-round check" takes between 1/6 seconds - max. 90 seconds. After that, there is a judgment about the person.

In this short period of time, we decided whether we find the person likeable, unlikeable, interesting, uninteresting, intelligent, stupid, etc.


Y/N's view

Smiling, I entered the coffee shop.

As soon as I opened the door, I was immediately greeted by the delicious scent of coffee and cookies. Ah. That was the way to start the weekend after all.

I walked inside and immediately made my way to the counter. Behind it stood Minho, who was serving a customer. Minho was a good friend of mine.

The two of us had become friends because I went here almost every other day and ordered a hot chocolate with extra milk. In the meantime, we got to talk and get to know each other better.

On the way there, the customer walked towards me, so I moved a little to the side. Arriving at the counter, I tapped it three times with my closed hands and got Minho's attention.

"Helloooo", I greeted him with a big smile on my face and took my hands off the counter.

When Minho lifted his head and looked at me, the corners of his mouth lifted.

"There's my favorite customer", he said with a grin before continuing, "One hot chocolate with lots of milk, right?"

Shortly, I started laughing as I nodded my head, "Right, thank you very much"

Minho winked at me and turned to pour the hot chocolate into a mug. Meanwhile, I walked a little to the side. Two girls were just coming in through the door talking.

I could hear them talking behind me. I continued to look around for a bit until Minho turned and walked over to me. In his hand he held a black cup.

Smiling, he handed me the cup, which I gratefully accepted. I immediately felt the warmth on my fingers as I held the cup. With my other hand, I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out the money.

"Here", I said shortly and handed him the money.

He accepted it gratefully and put it in the cash register. We said goodbye before I turned and walked towards the door. Just as I was about to walk towards it, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, tapping me.

Confused, I turned around as the hand was removed from my shoulder. I looked up and saw the face of a boy.

Somehow he even looked familiar...oh. I did know him. He was one of the boys I had met in the park a few weeks ago. What was his name again?

"Hello....Y/N, right?", the boy spoke hesitantly, looking at me questioningly.

Oh wow. He even remembered my name. Surprised, I looked to him and now held the cup with both hands.

"Yeah, right", I answered him, nodding my head slightly, "Sorry. What was your name again?"

I recognized him as a person, but I couldn't remember his name, as much as I thought about it. Was it Jin? Jeon? His name started with a J, I think.

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