Hybrid 3.

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In a world full of hybrids that live in fear and are not accepted by humanity, you will meet seven of them.

Part 3

The terms human-animal hybrid and animal-human hybrid refer to a being that has elements of both humans and animals.

These hybrids have long existed in all social cultures (especially in mythology), and are also considered theoretically possible through scientific experimentation.


Y/N's view

With a yawn, I stroked my closed eyes as I slowly walked out of the kitchen.

After turning off the light, I walked to my room and went to sleep. Although I had seven hybrids sleeping in my living room, I was able to sleep well. It wasn't a mistake to let them into my house, was it?

But since I was still alive, that was a good start. I wonder if they were still there. I decided to go into the living room and check on them.

Step by step, I walked toward the living room. The closer I got there, the more nervous I became. Why was I actually nervous?

Yesterday they seemed harmless. But what if they weren't? What would await me when I went into the room?

When I arrived at the door, I put my hand on the door frame and walked into the room. My gaze swept the room before stopping on the sofa.

They were all still there. Three cats were still sleeping, while three cats were sitting on the sofa and one was lying on the sofa. Four of the cats turned their heads toward me as I entered the room. Every movement I made was watched closely.

When I got a little closer so that I was standing in the middle of the living room, two cats stood in front of the three sleeping cats and one of the cats meowed.

"Hello", I greeted her politely and looked at them unsurely.

Should I talk to them at all? Could they understand me? My knowledge about hybrids was limited, but actually they should understand me. After all, they were part human.

The four cats looked at me silently. One meowed, while two of them slowly wagged their tails on the sofa. Was that a good sign or a bad sign? Since I didn't know much about cats either, I had no idea if that was supposed to be a warning.

"Uh, I don't know if you can understand me-", I started to speak, but stopped myself when I saw that the three cats were waking up.

They were snuggled up on the sofa, stretching slightly. Gently, I glanced at them. Okay. That was cute. Slowly they opened their eyes and meowed before sitting up and stretching.

The four cats had turned their heads to face the three cats, while the newly awakened cats looked around the room and meowed. When they noticed me, they kept their eyes on me.

Awkwardly, I raised my hand and waved at them. What should I do now? Should I just talk to them? Should I offer them food or drink? But what would they even take? I was a bit overwhelmed with the situation.

A cat jumped down from the sofa and sat on the carpet. His gaze focused on me before he meowed. Confused, I raised my eyebrows. Did he want something? Was he trying to tell me something?

Again he meowed as he sat quietly on the carpet and the other cats followed suit. They jumped down from the sofa and sat on the carpet as well. Okay, what was this going to be?

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