Werewolf 2.

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In a world full of werewolves that have an dislike for humans, you'll meet seven of them.

Part 2

In mythology, legend and poetry, a werewolf is a human who has the ability to transform into a wolf.

Werewolves come from an ancient race that has been around for ages. It is considered likely that they are as old as humans, perhaps even older.

Every werewolf has a soulmate.
A soulmate or partner is a mate who can be a human or a werewolf. They are soulmates and this bond is stronger than love.


Y/N's view

In pain, I moved away from the house as fast as I could.

I could feel my heart beating strongly against my chest. I was terrified and didn't want to die. Hopefully, the boys didn't notice that I disappeared and were looking for me.

The house was in the middle of a forest glade. Around the house there were countless trees stretching up to the sky. How could I find my way out of here?

Firmly I pressed my teeth together, while I ran further and further. The pain in my leg was incredibly painful, so I was forced to limp.

With my hand I supported myself against the trees that I quickly ran past. Please dear God. Let me survive this day. I did not want to die. Not here and not by an animal.

I moved further and further away from the house, the fear stayed constant in me. What would they do when they realized I was gone? Would they look for me? If so, what would they do if they found me?

Panic grow in me as I stopped, breathing heavily, and leaned against a tree. I had to gasp for air for a moment. Although I hadn't walked much because I didn't have enough strength because of my injured leg and the loss of blood.

Breathing quickly, I held my hand on my thigh as I gasped for air. I squinted my eyes tightly shut and bit my lower lip as I looked down at my leg.

The white bandage had turned red and was burning like hell. Surely the wound had reopened. But as badly as I needed a break, I couldn't stop.

I braced myself from the tree after taking one deep breath of air and then walked quickly on. Below me, branches or sheets leaves crackled together as I tried to keep walking straight ahead.

I did not wipe away the tears that flowed down my cheeks. The whole situation affected me deeply and still keeps nagging at me.

Would I manage to escape? Would I even make it home and see my parents one last time?

My eyes widened in panic when I heard a loud wolf howl behind me. This was followed by the sound of more wolves, all howling. OMG. These were surely the insane men who had kidnapped me. They had noticed that I had run away.

There was no way I could stop now. With all the strength I still had in me, I began to run faster. With every step I tried to get faster, while every step was a torture.

After a few minutes, I suddenly heard several footsteps moving fast and hitting the ground.

Panic grow in me and only made my heart beat faster, so that it was already hurting. I wasn't going to make it this time. They were fucking wolves! They were many times faster than me.

While I didn't stop, I turned slightly backwards to see if they were near me. But when I turned around, I saw a black wolf running straight toward me and knocking me over. Shit.

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