A Touch of Creativity

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Tikki is tired of seeing Marinette come home and cry because of her classmates. She decided to take it into her own hands.

Tikki was mad, and it wasn't a usual feeling for the kwami. This was the 3rd time this month that Marinette has come home crying because of her classmates, and it's barely been a week! 

Tikki tries her best, but she can't do much but watch from a distance as Luka tries to help her and prevent akumas. The fact that the class hurts her until she reaches that point is enough to want them to be cursed.

The Ladybug kwami was going to handle this situation, it's gone on long enough. She would do anything for her chosen's well-being. Once Marinette was asleep that night, Tikki got to work.

She flew to Lila's house and hovered over her as she slept. Tikki placed her luck on her so that everything she lied about would come true. As quickly as she arrived, she disappeared.

The next morning as Marinette got ready for school, she noticed Tikki staring at the school from her window. "At least it's Friday." Marinette joked.

"Do you know what Friday it is, though?" Tikki grinned. Marinette looked at her phone.

"Friday the 13th? What's so special about it besides that I will be super clumsy today?" Tikki chuckled and flew into her bag. "What are you hiding?" Tikki wouldn't say, only that it was a surprise.

During class, Lila started randomly talking about how she sprained her wrist again by twisting it weirdly. Suddenly, a hot pain shot up Lila's arm and it was red and swollen. Marinette and Adrien were wide eyed while Tikki smirked. Plagg narrowed his eyes; the sudden swelling that surely wasn't there before seemed suspicious. Alya immediately noticed and asked Mrs. Bustier if she could take Lila to the nurse. The teacher quickly agreed and sent a message to the nurse.

Lila was confused about what happened. Never once had this happened to her, especially when she lied. But then it hit her: this could be a potentially good opportunity. Anything she lies about can come true, so if she accuses Marinette of doing something, it could work! Lila quickly got to work brainstorming new lies as Alya lead her to the nurse.

While class continued, Plagg signaled for Tikki to talk in the ceiling. They flew up and Plagg started. "Alright Sugarcube, what did you do?"

"I put a lucky curse on her that makes anything she says some true."

"Ok, but what if she lies about your chosen?" Tikki smirked.

"That's the catch. She can't lie about anyone else, she can only lie about damage that has already happened. Such as, she sprained her leg, it swells like she actually did." Plagg smiled.

"My personality has finally grown on you. Who knew you could have a dark side?"


Lila was starting to get drained. After she left the nurse's office, they went back to class. When they got a break, Lila started talking about another time she hurt herself, and then she would have a flare up in that spot. The same thing happened in her next class when she mentioned her tinnitus.

Marinette and Adrien knew something was up when Lila's leg swelled suddenly in class. They were no stranger to magic, and immediately thought there was an akuma. But since there was no alert, it just made them more confused. Marinette pulled Adrien aside.

"I know you saw how everytime she lies about an injury, the limb appears with that injury." Adrien nodded.

"There's got to be a logical explanation to this, it's not like that happens everyday!" They both peered at Lila and her swarm of sheep across the courtyard. Lila was attempting to lie that Marinette was trying to get with Adrien, and they were eating it up. A few spies in the group who were on Marinette's side, wanted to poke holes in the story since they knew Marinette was dating Luka.

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