*Your Memories*

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Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love, and it's an ache I still remember
-Gotye ft. Kimbra

3rd person's pov

Jihoon was running behind Iseul to stop her . He finally caught her hand and stopped her.

"What are you doing Iseul ,walk slowly don't run? jihoon said while huffing.
"Leave my hand!!! I'm not going to stay at this place for even one minute more"Iseul said while snatching her hand back.

"Why are you getting so angry?Nothing even happened to you."He asked with a nervous snicker.

" WhY I aM gEtTiNg aNgRy ? Jungkook fucking threw us out of his office just for that worthless piece of shit. And you expect me to smile like a clown here . " she said while pushing her long jet black hair back with her hand.

"Come on dude! you poured hot coffee on that poor boy's beautiful hand . To be honest you were acting like some psycho , just for one drop you did this much. You can't act like mental patients at working plac- Ahhhh eomma".jihoon's teasing laugh turned into painful scream as soon as Iseul stomped her heel on his foot ."

"Fuck you. You are only saying this shit because the boy was pretty and you are crushing over him!" She yelled while entering her car leaving a pained boy behind .

"Come inside or I'm gonna leave you here, mY JaGiYa. " she said with fake smile and jihoon looked at her with scowling face.
"God save me from this psychopathic bitch, I wanna go home alive today." jihoon murmured to himself while getting inside the car.


"So you are telling me that bitch burned your hand just for a small drop of coffee". Rosie asked with wide eyes. Jimin nodded his head timidly .

"Let me go and teach that hoe a lesson." She was ready to throw hands on someone she didn't even knew.

"Rosie, what are you doing? You will get fired you can't go to fight like this."jimin stopped her from going.
"Fuck this job jimin-ah you are more important to me than this shitty job . Let me go, later I'll find another jobfor both of us ."

"I know Rosie you love me so much but you should also know how much important this job is to us besides that monstrous girl is already gone." He explained and Rosie stopped while calming her self with deep breaths.

"But next time if she did something I'm gonna chop her head."
"And I'll help to hide the dead body. okay. Now calm down . Lady killer."He said while laughing a little.


Later that night-:

Jungkook entered his car to leave the office but suddenly his phone buzzed. He saw the contact, he sighed and picked it up.

"I don't wanna talk about today's events Jihoon. You don't have to pursue me to forgive Iseul, you know she did wron-"

"No, no ,no ,no bro I didn't called you for that. It's not even about Iseul".

"Then tell me what do you want at this time".jungkook said while pinching his nose bridge.

"Why do you think I'll only call you to ask for somethi-"

Come straight to the point. "

"Okay . Actually I need your little only little help . Promise me you won't deny."

"What help tell me otherwise I'm cutting the call right now ."

"Ok.......... Can you.... like.... give me the phone number.... of that .... pretty boy ... who was in your office today. I just want to be friends with him you know" a nervous laugh came from the phone .

"No. I can't. Because you only want one night stand. Now don't waste my time asking again. If you called me again for this then I'm gonna tell your dad about you breakinghis favorite golfstick."he said with a serious note with no emotions.

"Bye !!! Now Fuck off ."with that jungkook cut the call.

He started his car and was on the road when he saw jimin near the bus stop waiting for the bus.He was helping a grandma to pick up her stuff which got slipped out of her hand. He was smiling sweetly that it was bringing so many painfully beautiful memories.

(Flashback )

"Yah! jimin shi what are you doing. It's so cold you can't take off your jacket like that?"jungkook asked while halting jimin by holding his shoulders.

"But jungkook-ah that puppy there is freezing in cold and we can't leave him like that to die. I can't even take him into the dorm." Jimin said with sympathetic eyes.

"But you are not good at handling low temperature. You will get sick."
"I don't care. I'll later take medicine. " He said while shrugging his shoulders and again proceeding to wear off the jacket.

"No stop. If you wanna give him a jacket so bad then I'll give it ."He said while wearing off his jacket and wrapping the puppy in it inside the small box .

As soon as he came back two arms were thrown to his neck hugging him abruptly. He laughed while balancing both of them by holding Jimin's waist.

"Why my baby is so kind to me?" Jimin said coyly with a soft smile on his face while giving a quick peck on lips to his boyfriend.

"Because my boyfriend is hard to handle when he is sick. ouch !!" Jungkook laughed as jimin hit his chest and left him with fake anger.

He holded his waist again and pulled jimin next to his chest.
"No my baby is the kindest. He is the cutest also" Jungkook said while giving a peck on Jimin's forehead.

"Sometimes you are too cheesy you know. Now let's go to dorm so you won't get cold Mr. Strong" jimin whispered while hugging jungkook tightly and Jungkook just laughed at his comments.

(End of flashback)

The old memories which were heart warming once were now burning the heart with pain.

'You pretend like you are so kind to others , why did you did that to me. Why I was suffering while you were living your new life. No matter how much I try to make you suffer like I did but at the end this soft corner in my heart saves you . But it doesn't im gonna stop any soon Park jimin'

His thoughts got interrupted when he heard a loud car horn from behind he started his car again and drive away to home leaving the heart clenching memories behind.

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