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In whispers and hushed tones,
Secrets find their home.
They dance in the shadows,
Where mysteries are sown.

They're locked away,
Behind a silent door.
Only to be revealed,
To those we adore.

So hold them close,

Keep them safe and sound.
For secrets that have the magic,

That makes our hearts astound.


"Hoseok hyung why aren't you picking up my calls!!...." Jungkook murmured to himself.

Suddenly as he was about to put his phone back into the pocket he saw Eunwoo's contact. There were so many messages and missed calls from Eunwoo. He stared at it for some good seconds then dialled it mindlessly.

The call was picked soon after a few rings.

" Hello!...who is speaking ? *yawn*.." A sleepy voice came which wasn't surprising to Jungkook as he knew it was already quite late.

" Check the contact name, Eunwoo." Jungkook spoke nonchalantly while walking towards the kitchen.

" Oh oh ow!! I'm sorry Mr. Jeon i was sleeping and i didn't expect your call.."

" It's ok. I just saw your missed calls and messages . Hoseok also told me you had something to tell me so I thought I should know about it while I'm free." Jungkook spoke pouring water into a glass from a jug.

" But I wasn't fre--... I mean sure..."

"So what are you waiting for? Speak." Jungkook asked.

" Mr. Jeon i couldn't get much information about jimin in two days but the amount of info I got was itself confusing."

" Stop beating around the bush and come to the point." Jungkook spoke sitting on the chair and sipped the water from his glass.

" I doubt he has a child."

Suddenly the water came out of Jungkook's mouth in an instance. He started coughing while putting aside the water glass.

" What the hell are you even saying??!!" Jungkook almost exploded.

" I said I doubt.. which means I'm not sure now. The kid is about 10 months old. The area in which he lives is not too crowded plus he doesn't talk to any of his neighbours expert one a taehyung named guy. I talked to neighbours and they didn't have much information about him or that child while that, Taehyung was close to jimin so asking anything to him will straightly reach to Jimin's ears."

" That child lives with him??" Jungkook asked hurriedly.

" No. Not exactly according to the info I got a girl and boy bring that kid there every weekends."

" Maybe they can be the parents of that kid ? Can't they if that kid comes with them? " Jungkook asked nervously while looking at the phone.

" I don't think that's even possible. I saw them yesterday myself. The girl and boy who bring the child are themselves quite young. And to be accurate they look like college going students of age eighteen to twenty years. Plus according to some neighbours they are twins."

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