* Awkwardness *

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In the vast tapestry of time,
the future weaves its enigmatic threads, painting a portrait of endless wonder and unforeseen paths.

Jungkook came back just to find that Jimin also fell asleep beside the baby. Both were hugging each other while lying on the couch.

" How are they even managing to fit in that small couch?" Jungkook wondered to himself.

He took off his shoes and went towards the kitchen to put the grocery in the refrigerator.

Jungkook started to cut the vegetables when suddenly Jimin sat with a jolt.

" What happened?" Jungkook asked confusingly while looking at him.

" Nothing, I just fell asleep by mistake I didn't know how." Jimin Spoke while rubbing his face to regain full consciousness.

" If you want then can take a small nap till I am preparing something for dinner." Jungkook spoke while chopping. Jimin looked at him with a little frown. Jungkook looked back at him for a second.

" What? You thought I'm gonna prepare food for myself? I am not that bad." Jungkook spoke while pouring some oil into the pan . Jimin stayed silent for a while then looked towards Jungkook.

" Um... Can I help you in making... whatever you are making?" Jimin spoke while standing up.

" You? You don't even know cooking.You will burn down my apartment. So better you stay there.." Jungkook spoke while suddenly smiling mildly at the thought of it.

" I do know how to cook now.. At least the basic ones." Jimin spoke in a gentle tone making Jungkook to look at him and pause.

"..... Oh I didn't know this also. " Jungkook's words almost felt forced and Jimin felt it.

" Um.. should I help you ?" Jimin asked while rubbing his nap while looking away.

" No it's almost done. And rest I'm finishing it so you can change clothes if you want. You can take a pair of clothes from my wardrobe in the bedroom." Jungkook spoke without looking at him at all.

" No I'm ok like-.." jimin was cut off when Jungkook spoke.

" No need to be formal now it won't lead to nowhere." Jungkook spoke while glancing a little.

Jimin gave up while nodding. He stood up from the couch and settled some cushions beside the baby so that he won't  fall in case if he stirs. He went to the bedroom to change the clothes.

Jimin came back after wearing a lose tshirt and pajamas. And the first thing he saw was Jihyeon stirring probably waking up from the slumber.

" You woke up, cupcake." Jimin whispered with a smile to the baby who was slowly opening eyes .

"Now get up like a good baby." He spoke while taking him into the arms gently with care.

The baby started looking around the unfamiliar place with a confused sleepy face holding a frown.

The baby lazily crawled towards his father. Jimin sat on the couch with Jihyeon on his lap.

" Are you that tired, hyeonie?" Jimin snickered when he saw baby was being so inactive unlike his usual self.

Jihyeon ignored jimin's words because he was busy oogling at the unfamiliar place. Suddenly he saw a pretty paper weight which was lying on the table . And instantly he wanted to eat it.

He tried escape from Jimin's grip to take his shiny food. But jimin stopped him knowing his intentions clearly.

" No baby don't do this atleast not here. It's not even eatable it's just  shiny." He spoke to baby faking a little anger to which baby just laughed a little.

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