*Blueberry love*

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It was quiet a lonely night
In the blink of an eye
The dark faded out
Blooming under the sunlight
Memories with me and you
All these lights are colored in by you

All these times are precious due to you
-Jungkook of BTS (My you)


3rd person pov

It has been one month since jungkook has joined the company. Things were not bad as before but they weren't good either . Jungkook had reduced calling jimin to his office again and again but it doesn't mean that he wasn't making jimin work harder . He was still picking up on his every work or you can say even more after that incident in his office.

It was weekend today and also he finally got his salary today but his main problem is not work its money ,no matter how much he earns its never enough. He was calculating the money he will need to pay for different things .

"This is for home rent".
"This is for electricity bill."
"This is for the debt and grandma".
"This is a little bit but will be enough for groceries. "
"This is for the hyeonie's medical expenditures ...., but it's still not enough.  Should I add half home rent money to it ? But I haven't paid rent for 3 months now . This time that scary aunty will kill me. Oh God !it sucks to be me .

Jimin combed his hair with his both hands in frustration  while looking at the ceiling. But suddenly got interrupted due to Hyeon's happy squeal.

Hyeon just took his first step toward jimin . Jimin looked at him with happy  tears and all his frustration was gone in seconds only thing here was the little angel who just took his first step.

"Come here hyeonie! Come to appa "jimin said while kneeling down on the floor to call the baby.

"Hua....a" baby squealed with a adorable smile while little saliva was dripping out of his small mouth.

He almost reached near jimin but suddenly fell but jimin caught him before he fell .He hugged the baby with the happiest smile while baby touched his appa's teary cheeks with his baby hands while looking at him with his bamby  eyes full of stars.

Jimin laughed at baby reaction who was about to cry seeing his appa crying. He wiped his tears.

"Hyeonie we should celebrate your  big achievement  shouldn't we? ......  Say yes....." he said while bumping the baby's nose with his.

'Ys..s" baby said following his appa . The reason why hyeonie learned walking aznd speaking late were his health problems.  He was a baby who looks  healthy but he wasn't he was suffering from respiratory problems from his births . But jimin was trying his best for his betterment.

Jimin brought a small blueberry cupcake for the baby as a treat.
"Here this is my gift for my adorable hyeonie. Appa loves him so much ." jimin said while squeezing the baby's checks .

After getter the cupcake baby was happy like he didn't got a cupcake but moon .He started squealing while making grabby hands.

"A.ppa... caeee...." He got his trophy for his achievement and he started to destroy it with his little but dangerous cute mouth. He was interested in the blueberries the most

"My baby likes it this much. My little blueberry cupcake is so cute ." Suddenly his own sentence was harshly familiar to him.


"Jungkook I said I'm sorryyyyyyy." Jimin was running to save his life from a very mad Jungkook .

"Screw your sorry! you do it everytime without permission" Jungkook said while trying to catch a giggling jimin who ran behind the couch.

"Jungkook ...they were just... some blueberries ....and... 3 banana milk bottles ." Jimin tried to explain between his laughs while trying to save himself by making couch a protective shield.

"They weren't just some.... they were 3  packs... of blueberries and ....4 banana milk bottles...  you liar...... come here ". Jungkook said while catching his breath .

"Okay! I'm sorry .....I won't do this again... let me go pleas-....ahh" jimin said while he holded his knees for support as he was laughing too hard after watching Jungkook's betrayed mad expressions.

But a sudden yelp left his mouth when suddenly Jungkook caught him and pinned him on the couch. Now it was Jungkook's turn to laugh after catching the culprit.

"That's cheating Jungkook-ah . You know I can't see anything when I laugh and you took advantage of that. I don't wanna talk to you now , you are bad , really bad ". Jimin moved his had to side and started sulking . Jungkook who was still pining him to couch looked baffled while huffing.

"Hey! you are cheating now . I should be angry with you right now not the other way around ". He tried to explain but jimin wasn't looking at him . So he played the master cards.

"Fine if you are not going to talk to me then I'm going to tell Mrs. Choi that you were the one who broke her favorite flowerpot in her lab and you also lied to her on her face straight ". And this was what got  Jimin's attention. Suddenly his demeanor changed from mad chick to love sick puppy.

"Jagiya , why are you getting so serious, I was just kidding and you can't do  that to me you love me right? Look I'm not even angry with you . I forgave you already. "jimin said with extra sweet alluring voice while taking his hands from Jungkook's grip and placing them on Jungkook'shoulders softly.

"Really baby ! YoU hAvE  fOrGaVe mE! That's lovely I'm so grateful " Jungkook said while narrowing his eyes with sarcastic smile .

"Oh! I-I  mean... I'm sorry and I won't steal your food again just please don't tell Mrs Choi about the flowerpot. I'll obey you always,  I'll never order your around and I'll make you your favorite food I promise" jimin said while playing with his fingers with fake sad eyes .

Jungkook laughed as his cute tactics. He pinched his nose and said,
"Why are you so overdramatic my little blueberry cupcake. I gonna leave you just this time ok".

" Thank you  baby,  and please don't call me that,... that... sounds so weird ."  jimin said and  suddenly hugged jungkook while hiding his head in other's chest as he was feeling embarrassed because of the nickname.

"Give me a kiss and I won't call you that. " and then a pair of lips landed  on his own .

"At least sacrifice of my food was worth it " jungkook murmured between the kiss.

(End of Flashback )

Suddenly, Hyeon's squeal broke Jimin's chain of memories. He ignored the pain he felt in his heart with the sweet memory. He just shook his head on the memories and his stupidity. And took Hyeon to clean his face and hands.

After cleaning up an putting Hyeon to sleep he decided to think about how to manage his expenses for this month and later he decided that he is going to take a small lone from his company which company provides at low interest to employees.

He thought his problems got solve for the time being but what he didn't knew was how his life was going to tangle badly with his ex lover once again even if it's not for love but something else.... something he didn't expected.......

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