* Why I'm still stuck at you*

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Sometimes it isn't
the butterflies which
tell you are in love
it's the  pain...

Currently it is 12:33 pm and Jungkook was still working but when he turned to his left he found the other boy sleeping on the couch arm. Jungkook told jimin to read previous works of secretary Jia and books related to it instead of taking help from Google but here the boy fell asleep reading to one book barely he started one hour ago .

"With this speed and attitude he would learn everything in his next life." Jungkook spoke after putting his laptop down from his lap. He stood up to take a small washroom break.

He came back and finally noticed the condition in which jimin was sleeping.
His hand was clutching to a book on which his face was lying. 

'Should I help him to lie down correctly or should I wake him up?.... I think I should complete my work instead.' with the thought he picked up his laptop to work on the table instead. But even after some good minutes he kept looking to other's side as if he was thinking how uncomfortable the position must be.

' Just this once .' he stood and went near the boy.  He bent a little down only to remove latter's shoes so that he could keep his feet up on the sofa.

' Why am I even doing this?'  he spoke while lying down jimin properly and taking the book from his arm just to put it aside.

He was all done with the work but then he suddenly noticed how jimin's hair was scattering on his face he carefully sat near him. He knew Jimin was a heavy sleeper and why wouldn't he know they have spent countless nights together.

He gently removed the hairs from jimin's face to tuck them behind his ear.
He gulped as he looked enchanting the boy was looking even while sleeping.

" You are so mean. I hate you so much , I hate how your lies ruined us, I hate how you left me just because you were fed up , I hate how you moved on , I hate how I was never enough for you... I hate how you still can't feel the pain I feel   I hate everything about you..." Jungkook spoke with an expressionless face while gently caressing other boy's cheek while admiring him through eyes.

" You know what i hate the most ... I hate how i can't hate you... The more I try to hate you the more I hate myself. I want to hurt you, ruin you to make you feel the emotions which I faced but your teary eyes all it takes for me to forget everything and kneel down infront of you. Sometimes I really ask myself do i really have the right to get mad at you while I'm noone too you" He put his face on the couch near jimin's face while still staring as he caressed his cheek.

"Why did you make me like this ? I became a slave to your smile and you said I started to suffocate you ." Jungkook snickered a little but it seemed forced.

" But after all nothing changed i can see my presence still suffocates you and I still crave these little moments ,for little affection. Pathetic... isn't it. I thought the  day I'll meet you I'll make you suffer, I'll take revenge for my every sleepless night i spent crying for you but when I saw your face my all determination melted away and all I did was childish deeds... What can I even do ... my years of love for you always overpowers all the hate . My own weakness comes out as anger on you." Jungkook spoke while stroking jimin's head lightly.

"You shouldn't have come to the club that night jimin you don't even know what you got yourself into. You entered something you can't escape. I wish I had never met you." Jungkook sighed as he stood and moved a little away while thinking deeply about something.

He went to the table .While putting his head on the table he looked into his phone and replied to someone
'meet me after 1:30'

If he kept thinking about these he surely would get a headache so he decided to focus on his work while ignoring the elephant in the room.

-----Time Skip----


:21 a.m.

"Hey wake up!! " Jungkook spoke while poking jimin's cheek with a finger.

Jimin just turned his face to the other side while whining.

" Wake up you can't seize my couch like that." Jungkook spoke while shaking him again.

"Gooo awayyy!"  Jimin pushed Jungkook's  hand still in sleep.

" Wake up I'm warning last time or I'll throw water on you..." Jungkook spoke while pulling jimin's cheek with two fingers forcefully.

" Hyeoniee !.... " jimin sat abruptly as soon as he felt a strong pull on his  cheek. Generally at night when jiheon needs anything he grabs jimin face and grabs it until jimin wakes up . Even though they sleep together ocassionly that's how they both were jimin a heavy sleeper and jiheon a light sleeper.

" What… hyeoniee?"  Jungkook confusingly looked at jimin.

" What are you doing here in my house?" Jimin asked instead because he was still sleepy.

" Are you serious right now?  This is my house and you are sleeping on my couch ." Jungkook asked with a forced laugh.

" And jimin finally understood what was going on where was he .. oh I'm sorry i forgot. I'll leave right now ." Jimin stood and gathered his belongings.

" Whose name did you mention now?" Jungkook asked looking at jimin.

" I-... I said halmeonie not any name . And even if I did it shouldn't concern you." Jimin said while finally giving a small smile to Jungkook.

" I don't care . Why would I care? I was just asking because you seemed shocked." Jungkook spoke while pretending not care .

" I'll return these books and files when I'll read them." Jimin spoke while rubbing his eyes with one hand as if he just wanted to sleep more.

" Its late night so I have told the driver he'll drop you to your house." Jungkook spoke while looking away towards the window.

" You didn't have to do that i would have took the bus or Booked a cab ." Jimin spoke while twisting the door knob.

" And who said this is a free service? I'll cut the cab charges from your salary." Jungkook spoke with a forced smile while jimin looked at him with glaring eyes.

" Jerk.." jimin murmured while closing the door behind loudly .

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