*Just For You*

528 39 15

What we love are
people not genders ...........


Jimin was happy as he finally got his phone back because taking back phone from his dad was like putting your hand into the lion's mouth while praying to be safe.

But even though he got his phone back doesn't mean his father didn't warn him.

"Jimin, this is the last warning don't just fool around and focus on studies too . If I saw you ignoring your studies again then I'm going to give you some serious punishments next time ."

Well no matter how much his father scolds him , he just can't change his son's carelessness towards things . But he can't even pressurise him too much he was his dear child after all .

As soon as jimin entered the college gate he felt as someone just jumped on him hard enough for him to stumble on his way . He gained back his posture only to notice his best friend who was  huffing while hanging on jimin's shoulder as if he ran miles just to catch jimin on time .

"What are you doing Mingyu? You look like a dog who is going to die soon ." He spoke while chuckling at his friend who just ignored his question with a frown.

"I thought ...... you'll.... be grounded.... because your..... father is... so strict." Mingyu spoke between heavy breaths.

"First of all breath properly Mingyu. Your physical health is too bad . And secondly yes he was mad and even took my phone but I coaxed my mother to take it back. Maybe he spared me because I just joined this college few days ago so skipping it might affect my studies very much ." Jimin spoke in one breath while trying to logic is father's actions.

"Oh..I- .. " Mingyu was cut in between because Jimin started talking again or you can ranting again .

" You know Mingyu that jungkook guy i hate him so much .. why always I'm the one who gets in trouble..? It wasn't my fault I called you because I was in a bad mood because of that guy .. if I saw him again I'm gonna punch his face . How dare he ruin my mood that yesterday. Even I'm so dumb i always remember savage lines when the arguments are over" jimin didn't even notice when he was alone walking in the corridor talking to himself while leaving  his friend near the lockers . Everyone was looking at the stupid boy who was talking to himself while changing his expressions with light speed .

"Are you listening Ming-... " He spoke while turning to see if his friend is listening to him or not but to his bad luck as soon as he turned his head towards left side while walking he collided with a hard chest . It took him some seconds to register what happened when he found his right cheek pressed to someones chest while an unknown hand was holding his waist .

He didn't know what came into his mind he touched the person's chest just to confirm it wasn't a pillar or something without getting away from the person.

"Do you like my chest my that much ?" A familiar voice came which was enough to break jimin's haze . He pushed the person with a shock only to find jungkook raising an eyebrow at him with a silly smile while tilting his head a little  . 

"I-I just thought-t you were a pillar-r ." Well jimin was beyond embarrassed now . What the hell was he doing?  Now Jungkook will find another reason to chase him . He wanted to cry at his stupidity.

"Really? I don't believe you . But if you want to explore more I can remove my shirt in private just for you .  Wanna come......" Jungkook spoke last sentences in low voice while leaning towards the latter's ear who was now red like tomato while his eyes were comically wide due to Jungkook's shameless words .

"Shia!!! I don't want anything to do with you so better stay away otherwise I-I .... I..." Jimin started talking abruptly but lost when he didn't find appropriate words and Jungkook stared waiting for him to finish.

"Otherwise you would what, Sweetheart ? Jungkook spoke while chuckling at the frowning boy .

"I would ....-I... .... Nothing FUCK YOU!!!!  " Jimin spoke as he didn't have any words to threaten jungkook. So he used the words which was the symbol he was about to run away from the situation.

"Um.. will you mind if I do that instead." Jungkook spoke while pretending to think hard as he looked at jimin while rubbing his chin with thumb and index finger.

"You asshole... Move aside ." Jimin pushed jungkook to leave the whispering corridor . He knew he lost the argument but only thing he thought he could do was last words can be his which was atleast assuring he didn't completly lose but Jungkook beat him even in this when he shouted for the whole corridor to listen....

"You are so cute jimin . Now I'm more determined to pursue you ." And jimin had never been more embarrassed in his life when he heard the whole corridor filled with sounds some of laughter, some of gasps while some of people who were practically dieing over Jungkook.

Jimin ran as fast as he could he took he seat to calm himself down . He took deep breath to calm himself down. Even Mingyu wasn't here to calm him because both didn't shared the same classes.

"Calm down Jimin , calm down he was just messing around. He was just trying to get on your nerves . You should ignore him ....... but his chest was hard and broa- WHAT THE HECK I AM THINKING???" Jimin was trying to calm himself but was going paranoid with his own mind's words . Many students were looking at him and his odd behaviour maybe thinking that he is paranoid or something but at the moment didn't care much because he was already done with the day's embarrassment.

"Jimin you are straight, ...S.T.R.A.I.G.H.T.....
so better be act like one without thinking stupid things .Mamma!!! What I have gotten myself into . He seems like a psychopath. " Jimin cried dramatically while holding his hair with his chubby fingers and putting chin on the desk.

" Why the heck always only boys approach me not any pretty girl ? No matter where I go boys get attracted to me like iron gets attracted by magnet .
Can't they see I'm straight... Only if jungkook was a girl Jimin would have given him a chance." Jimin was now sulking because he was so done with everything. He wanted to date a girl because he wasn't gay but that didn't mean he was homophobic.... He just didn't want to disappoint his parents especially his father by bringing back a boy home .

He was approached by a lot of boys since his high school even though he studied in all boys school but he never told anyone in his family also because they lived in a small town where people were narrow minded and being gay was still considered disgusting and unacceptable. Even in this college a lot of people were homophobic but only few courageous people have accepted there sexuality open . Well one of them was Jungkook he wasn't gay either he was bisexual but he announced it openly as no one even dared to raise voice in front of him so insulting him was far away talk .

Nobody can cure homophobia because it's a mentality which is deeply rooted in people's minds and old roots aren't easy to uproot...

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