*Arguments *

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Arguing isn't
it's just noise .

"Two Questions. Answer me swiftly. First what was Jihoon doing here and secondly why are you ignoring my all calls."

" For your second question, i didn't notice and for your first one you don't have the right to ask that." Jimin looked up at jungkook while standing up. While jungkook closed the door to talk properly.

Being hurt doesn't mean you have to show it to your opponent. Sometimes it's better to use calmness as a shield and that was what Jimin intended to do.

" This is my office,my building. I have every right to ask what my employees are doing .....and how they are disrespecting me by ignoring my calls." Jungkook spoke looking at jimin as he entered the room completely.

" If only you know how the real disrespect feels like. " Jimin scoffed at Jungkook's words.

" Oh so now I get it all... This whole rebellion behaviour is just because of that meeting room incident." Jungkook spoke while assuming the reason.

" Yes it is. So what? Going to shout at me again?" Jimin stared into jungkook eyes without blinking.

" I didn't want to do that-.." Jungkook got interrupted when jimin spoke.

" But you did." Words came swiftly out of swiftly out of jimin.

" Don't interrupt me while I'm talking and it was your fault to enter a place which isn't allowed to enter without permission." Jungkook spoke while putting his hands on the table.

" Mr. Jeon Jungkook for your kind information I'm your secretary and I'm in charge of that room so... don't even give that dying reason justify your action. " Jimin spoke while putting his hands on the table and leaned towards jungkook.

" Oh! Showing off aren't we. I'm the one who gave you that position so you better keep your this attitude away from me." Jungkook spoke while he also leaned ahead. Both stared into each other's eyes but no one was backing up.

" Control it if you can."Jimin challenged jungkook openly as if he wasn't going to get all soft for Jungkook today.

" You think I can't." Jungkook spoke while his temper raising continuously.

" I bet you can't." Jimin said. He knew he was crossing his limits now but definitely he wasn't going to retreat any time soon.

" Getting too confident I see..... Mr. Park employees don't challenge their CEO if they don't want consequences. They behave when they don't want to lose their job by displeasing their CEO.." Jungkook forced a laugh while leaning back.

" Confident or not but one thing is for sure I'm not working here to please someone." Jimin spoke while his blood was boiling by now.

" Really?.. i thought-" jungkook spoke in the most dramatic way possible.

" Yes. And stop thinking. I don't need to please you i ain't your pathetic fian-...... I-I mean i ain't a pathetic public pleaser." Although Jimin held his sentence in the mid but he realised that it was too late when he saw jungkook's amused face expressions with raised eye brows. Jimin knew he fucked up his almost winning argument.

" OK so here comes the real reason.... the real plot twist..." Jungkook spoke with raised eyebrows while jimin leaned back from table just because he was suddenly flustered because of embarrassment. Jungkook went to Jimin's side to continue the other part of the conversation.

" Don't-t change the topi-... Wait why are you coming this side-e?" Jimin pointed when he noticed jungkook coming to his side of the table.

" So Mr. Lovely Park Jimin wasn't just angry but jealous too." Jungkook spoke while standing in front of jimin.

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