*Bed stories*

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In my rose-tinted dreams
Wrinkled silk on my sheets
I don't see nobody but you.
-dhruv (double take)


Jimin's pov

I was sleeping peacefully on the soft mattress which feels like heaven but something was definitely wrong . I was feeling as if I was tied to same place and can't move , as if someone was............ holding me........?

But ignored maybe I just.. dreaming...... but wait why I'm feeling hot at the back of my neck as if someone is breathing there. My eyes were suddenly wide open and realization hitted me like a truck. I can feel I'm not wearing clothes under the blanket and a person is right behind me naked too which means I slept with someone in some unknown place.

I was feeling like I'm freeze when someone's arm moved a little from my waist . I gulped and tried to remove that hand but grip was a little too tight so I removed the blanket slightly till my stomach but....... I abruptly found out that the hand was painfully familiar.

A big, veiny hand and arm full of tattoos making it more manly but the scary part was I knew to whom it belonged. My heart beats were twice as fast as seconds ago , I turned back to face him after loosening his grip from my waist and to my bad fortune I was right it was him......... junkook.

He was sleeping so peaceful while his presence was scaring the shit out of me. I knew if I remained here till he woke up then it's gonna be a big chaos.

I removed the blanket and stood while taking support from the nearby side table . My whole body was feeling like it was on fire it was aching badly whereas my legs felt like they are going to give up any second.

I took looked at time in my phone and I'm sure this day can't go any more bad . Only half hour was left for the office and my house was far from this place . I wanna sit and cry at my bad fortune but I don't even have time for that.

I hurriedly wore my clothes and started leaving after taking my things while ignoring my aching body . I was at the door of the room when I turned around to take the last glance of sleeping boy .

And suddenly it felt like deja vu because I know this scenario has happened before but in more worse conditions and the sad thing is he don't remembers that .

I closed the door after sighing because no matter how past was I can't change it or back there .

3rd person's pov

Jimin took a bus as he didn't had time or energy to waste as he was already late for the office. Today manager was gonna kill his for being this late.

He took a quick warm shower and after getting ready ran for the office. By the time he reached the office he was already late by 20 minutes.

He prepared himself to be insulted for being this late but to his surprise manger was absent today . But he can't remember what happened to the manager after he left Jimin near the counter of bar.

Little did he knew he was the reason for manager's absence today .He beated the shit out of that creature yesterday.

He was thinking about all this when suddenly Rosie spoke,
"Hey Jimin! Mr. Jeon was asking about the file he gave you yesterday ".

"OH SHIT ! I was going to complete the file at night but in I forgot because I didn't returned home last night. Does he still remembers what happened yesterday?". He gulped thinking about it .

He knocked the door softly praying that him to be busy but my heart sank when he said "come in".

I entered with a whole embarrassed existence only to found out jungkook was casually sitting at his chair signing some papers.
He looked at him once then started his work again. 'Does that means he doesn't remember anything about yesterday. ' jimin thought aznd a sudden wave of relief passed over him. But it suddenly disappeared when Jungkook said he next words.

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