*It's a Hickey*

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Never gets a fucking


Jimin fastened the door and sneaked inside carefully. He was about to reach the stairs when a sudden voice startled him.

"Why are you walking like a thief in your own house?" Jimin stumbled and turned back while putting his one hand on his neck in case there was any mark there only to find his hyung staring at him suspiciously.

"No it's not like that hyung I just didn't want to disturb anyone. Is mom asleep?..." He spoke nervously.

"Yes , she slept just few minutes ago as I told her I'll wait for you ." Jiyung spoke while yawning as if he was sleepy.

"Oh..." Jimin's words got cut when his hyung spoke.

"Did you consume alcohol? As much as I remember college parties don't include alcohol." Jiyung sniffed a little closer to jimin.

"A little-e, I was with Mingyu he brought that ." Jimin spoke while pushing his hyung a little away by both of his hands .

"Oh.. wait.. what's that on your neck, Jiminie ?"
Jiyung touched his neck and jimin flinched realising he shouldn't have removed his hand .

"It's .. it's because of the straightener I was straightning my hair with." He spoke in one go without taking breath.

"Stop lying. Can't I see it's a hickey?" His hyung spoke with done expressions while jimin gulped because how will he tell his hyung who gave him a hickey..... A boy .

"Hyung..... I ... I was..." He wasn't finding the words to explain.

"Ok don't explain yourself it's your life my baby brother . I don't wanna know but don't just play around otherwise you will get yourself into problems like you always do . Plus don't hurt the girl if you are not serious. " His hyung spoke while patting his head with a small smile . Jiyung went to his room and jimin sat on the stairs while releasing a heavy breath.

"How should I tell you hyung that you baby brother just kissed a boy ." Jimin murmured to himself while holding his throbbing head maybe he messed up too much today.

He entered his room and took off his clothes and jumped on the bed because he didn't had much energy to waste now.

He closed his eyes to sleep but suddenly scenes from earlier started to play in front of his eyes. He opened his eyes with a fast beating heart .

"Aghh.... What should I do with myself. I'm stupid.... Stupid.... Oh god i just threw myself in the pit of embarrassment that too knowingly.... How will I face the world tomorrow. Why am I like this? What Jungkook will think that I didn't was so easy to pursue?" He started rolling on his bed while pulling his hair .He was feeling beyond embarrassed. He wanted to cry and laugh at his own stupid self .

"Maybe it was because of alcohol.... But I didn't even drink much I was just tipsy........ Aaa... Maybe I should just sleep otherwise I'll go paranoid... You are going to sleep Jimin .. you understand.. yes you do ......" he spoke while abruptly sitting and drinking water calming himself down..


Jimin was laying on his body like a dead body when suddenly his phone started ringing. He frowned and picked up without seeing the name.

"Hello........" He spat while still not opening his eyes.

"You are still sleeping??..." The voice came surprised.

Yes I'm tired from yesterday... Let me sleep Mingyu don't disturb... " He spoke while yawning.

"So you are not coming to college?"

"Nope, And tell the teacher I am having cough and cold so I can't came" he spoke yawning again .

"Idiot how can you miss today is the dance team audition." Jimin's ears perked up at the words and he sat abruptly.

"Why didn't you remind me of this before?" Jimin spoke as he ran towards bathroom leaving his bed while throwing his phone on the bed.

"But now I did so are you coming........ Hello...!! Jimin ...! Are you there..??! Hello...!! Did he die of shock or something..??! " Mingyu murmured to himself and hanged up the call.

Jimin got ready with a hoodie and some makeup and directly ran towards the shoe reck and started wearing his shoes.

"You are going to college but your brother said you are dead tired. " His mother asked while cleaning the table as everyone was done already.

"Mom, I'm late now because you didn't wake me up. You know my teacher already taunts me for being late this time she will eat me alive ." Jimin fake cried while tying his shoelaces.

"I didn't because your brother asked not to. And please don't talk about your teacher like that my pumpkin." Her mother spoke while handing him a glass of juice with a smile .

"I'm already late , mom." He whined

"A little more won't hurt now? Would it?" His mother spoke while blocking his way. He gave up and drank the whole glass in one go.

"Now let me go my dear lady... Bye.. take care." He spoke while kissing his mom on the forehead in a hurry.

"You too, Mr. Pumpkin." His mother chuckling as she watched her son almost tripping in the garden while running.


As expected jimin was late in the class today that too by half hour but this time there was a twist as she didn't insulted her in front of the class instead she just didn't allow him to enter.

As a result jimin was now sitting in a less crowded area of college while waiting for the class to get over. He was throwing pebbles in the fountain when someone yelled 'hey' in his ear slightly , almost giving him a heart attack.

"What the hell?" He yelled back while holding his heart as if it was going to fail .
"You didn't say it when you enjoyed the kiss............."

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