*Things That Changed*

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Love's bittersweet melody,
A dance of ecstasy and agony.
Through tears and sighs,
we find our way,
In love's embrace, come what may.

~Present time~

Jimin sighed at the imperfectly perfect memories and how things are completely opposite now. In the past when they started they used to be each other's comfort place. But now things are changed and so are they. Jungkook hates him because jimin left him , although Jimin doesn't hate jungkook but Jungkook's presence and new behaviour makes him feel suffocated to a different level. In conclusion both don't wanna see each other but knowingly crave for something impossible.

He woke up early today maybe because of the headache which he is having from the morning otherwise alarm clocks always fail to wake him on time. He got ready and started doing his breakfast in order to survive the whole day.


He entered the office only to get a sight of the manger Lee with a fractured hand and slightly limping leg. He gulped because he knew how exactly Lee got those injuries . But it wasn't his fault firstly he was drunk and secondly it was Lee's fault to think he can harass Jimin.

Now Jimin didn't know how to approach Lee . He was hoping that Lee won't create any problem in his loan taking process due to their outside issues.

" Mr. Lee ,..-" jimin spoke as he saw lee changing his way as soon as he saw jimin.

" Don't. Just stay away." Lee spoke while moving away from jimin with a terrified look.

" I-I just want to talk." Jimin spoke with a nervous smile.

" Then talk while staying away. " Lee spoke as he checked around if anyone was listening to them or watching them.

" I'm sorry I really am for my behaviour that night but .... You know it was your fault. I mean you kind of deserved but not that much. I mean I don't know what I mean.... Ahh ... You know.... " Jimin tried obviously but he can't just rub the facts over Lee's face because he can't afford to lose this job this early.

" I know it's my fault and that's why I'm not saying anything. I keep my private life away from personal life, so you better stay away from me." Lee spoke while looking away as if he was embarrassed.

" I'm glad you know. So can I expect that, that night's incident won't affect my loan or my job." Jimin asked while looking at lee with expectations.

" Ah! About that . I don't know about your job but your loan is already cancelled and you can't apply again. " Lee spoke nonchalantly.

" Why ? You said you keep your personal life away from work?" Jimin asked hurriedly with concern.

" Listen i didn't do it the CEO himself cancelled your loan . So please don't waste my time." Lee spoke and walked forward while limping.

" But why would he do that ?" Jimin whined.

" Didn't i told you to stay away from me. At least maintain one metre distance between us. And if you want to know go and ask him yourself." Lee spoke while pointing a finger towards jimin.

" Ok I would." Jimin said and left the place with a sad pout.

He went towards his desk and found a sealed envelope on his desk. He looked left then right and found no one so he asked Rosie whose desk was a little away from him.

"Hey Rosie! Do you know who put it here?" He asked .

" No i didn't know but when I came it was already here. It must be for you. Check it might be important." Rosie spoke while putting her spectacles on her head .

Jimin tore the envelope and took out the paper. He read and blinked it for few seconds not believing his own eyes.

" Jimin!! What happened? What is written on it ?" Rose spoke while standing up.

" Nothing. Just written some work related issues. You can focus back on your work I'll come back in few minutes ok ." He forced a smile and left without waiting for Rose's reply.

He knocked the door and a faint voice of come in came from inside.

"Jia (his secretary) I have told you don't come in my office until you have some very important news for me." Jungkook spoke without rasing his head to look at the person infront.

Suddenly someone smashed a an envelope and a paper on jungkook open file with force. Jungkook looked up only to find jimin looking at him with a serious face.

" Oh, so you are here finally" Jungkook asked without changing expression.

" What's this Jungkook?" Jimin asked in a bitter tone.

" Are you blind ? Can't you see it by yourself?"Jungkook asked nonchalantly.

" Don't try to be play smart. Firstly you cancelled my loan request then you sent this letter. How could you fire me without any solid reason? " Jimin asked while trying to maintain his calm.

" I cancelled your loan because the loan is only for employees not for ex employees. And secondly you know I'm wholly capable of firing you even for the smallest reason while we have a big one here.. " Jungkook spoke as he removed the envelope and the paper from his file. Jimin hoped that Jungkook wasn't talking about what he was thinking.

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