* A Shoulder to Cry on *

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When sadness overwhelms,
reach out your hand,
For together we'll navigate,
through this desolate land.
Let the tears flow,
let the emotions be felt,
For in the depths of sadness,
our resilience is dealt.

Jimin was in front of his door but was unsure if he should open the door or not. He could clearly hear sullyoon and Minho inside which means hyeoniee will be inside too. He was in a sad mood but he didn't wanted them all to get worried neither his emotions were cooperating to put up an fake smile. He turned and thought for a second and knocked the door which was in front of his.

No response came so he bite his bottle lip slowly and was about to go to his door but suddenly the door opened with a view of sleepy taehyung who looked as if he just woke up from a good nap.

" Jimin? " He saw jimin with confusion while rubbing his eyes. He was confused as jimin looked as if came back from office but if it was so why would he come to him instead of going home.

" Do you need anyth-.." his words cut short when jimin suddenly threw himself on taehyung to hug. He hugged taehyung tightly and closed his eyes while putting his head on his chest. Taehyung was shocked at sudden action but wrapped his arms around jimin softly to return the hug.

He pulled jimin inside without breaking the hug and closed the door Lowith his leg.

" Did something happen?" Taehyung asked while rubbing jimin's back softly.
Jimin softly denied while shaking head without opening eyes.

What could he tell to taehyung? He didn't even tell taehyung he is working under Jungkook's company currently.

" Did anybody say anything to you?" Taehyung asked while guiding jimin towards the couch who was clutching on him like a Koala.

They both sat while jimin's head was still on taehyung's chest who was creasd his hairs  softly.

" I just had very bad day at office i.... No matter how much i try i make the same mistake...... I mean i repeat mistake while doing basic works." Jimin spoke while sharing two mixed truths together . He lifted his head from taehyung's chest slowly without making eye contact.

" You almost made worried sick... I thought something bad happened. And about the mistakes don't worry about them just give your best try. It's about progress jimin not perfection." Tae spoke while engulfing jimin's small hand into his big ones and creased it softly with a smile.

" But I'm going nowhere there is no progress ." Jimin spoke  looking at taehyung's creasing his.

" Maybe you just can't see it now but trust me in future you will sure see it and it will be worth the wait." Taehyung spoke putting his other hand on jimin's one cheek. Jimin nodded but still doubted everything.

"  I hope it will be. Thank you." Jimin spoke while looking at taehyung finally.

" Don't thank me just come to me whenever your heart feels heavy. I'm always here for you." Taehyung spoke with a smile while looking into jimin's eyes. Suddenly jimin's eyes were filled with unshed tears. The way taehyung's words sounded some sincere made his heart clench for hiding things from him.

" I'm so sorr-y.." jimin spoke as his voice cracked while tears rolled his eyes. Taehyung got shocked at jimin's sudden words and expressions.

" Why are you saying sorry?" Taehyung asked completely unaware of Jimin's emotions behind the words. He wiped jimin's tears using his thumb.

" You know I am not someone you should put efforts for." Now that's the moment taehyung realised what jimin meant.

Jimin would be stupid if he says that he don't have any idea of taehyung's feelings. He can clearly see the love in his eyes and that is what hurts the most because even he tries hr can't return his feelings. He knows it's selfish of him that even after knowing about taehyung's feelings he goes to him whenever he feels down. But he can't do anything himself neither he can return feelings nor he can push him away. Even how can he what if he will lose taehyung too like everyone else. What if all these feelings he sees in taehyung's eyes are just an illusion and taehyung will push him away if he tries to confront him about them. He is even scared of any committed relationship in the same gender.

How can he push away the only person who trusted him and stayed when no one believed him. Jimin loved taehyung but in a platonic way.

" Why can't I when i want too." Taehyung spoke. Both knew what they were referring too but no one dared to speak it out loud.

" Don't you feel I'm selfish to only knock on your door when I need you the most . Don't you feel used." Jimin asked while looking away .

" It would be a lie if I would say that I don't feel it. But i don't care if you use me when you need to become for you I'm ready to be used without any complaints. If my presence sometimes can help you to heal your wounds then I'm ready to be the medicine whenever you need it. You met me when I was losing my will to live so how can I leave you alone when you need me." Taehyung spoke while  touching jimin's here softly.

" Don't do this to yourself ,tae. You will ruin yourself." Jimin spoke while he hugged taehyung.

" I don't even have anyone to save myself for. " ' But is it wrong if I want to call you mine even if just for once.' taehyung smiled while hiding the half of his feelings in his heart.

" You don't understand, tae. " jimin mumbled slowly.

" Leave all that tell me do you wanna eat something because I was going to order to food." Taehyung asked changing the topic.

" You are changing the topic." Jimin laughed a little while sniffing.

" No I'm not I'm asking seriously." Taehyung denied.

" If that is so then no because Minho and sullyoon must be waiting for me at the house. Today they came with their college group for some work so I asked them to stay the night here instead of returning at late night." Jimin explained.

" Well your loss you are missing an opportunity." Taehyung shrugged with proud while jimin smiled at his expressions.

" Don't worry i would definitely take my treatment nicely once your cafe opens ." Jimin spoke while taehyung laughed nodded headin affirmation.

" Ok sure." He spoke and took out hankey to wipe the remaining marks of tears so that he would look ok to go home. But jimin grabbed his wrist softly.

" It's ok I'll do it-.." he stopped his words and took back his hand when he saw taehyung eyeing his bruised wrist. He covered the wrist with his shirt but taehyung was still looking at him like he was asking for answers.

" This happened due to somethi-..." Jimin was interrupted when taehyung spoke.

" It's ok don't tell if it isn't important. It must be an accident I guess ." Taehyung spoke when he saw jimin getting too nervous over this. He wanted to know but he didn't want to pressure jimin for something he is not liable for.

" I think I should go. " Jimin spoke and they both together went towards the door.

" Bye." Taehyung smiled as jimin opened the door but turned to hug taehyung last time. Although taehyung didn't say anything, he understood that the reason for Jimin's sadness was different from what he was showing.

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