*Chubby Cheeks*

557 39 11

A true friend is someone
who thinks you are a
perfect egg even though
they know that
you are slightly cracked.

"  I never knew secretary Jia as this cool office is quite pretty too. It's small but nice. " Rosie spoke while whistling as she watched the room .

" What's so good about this so room ? It's more like a haunted experience for me though." Jimin spoke while burying his face into the files in the table .

" Well if the work is paying this good money then it is worth it . And secondly don't worry if you'll make mistakes because sometimes mistakes are the best teachers." Rose laughed a little while jimin didn't look up .

" Miss Rosie the great thank you for great great words but for now I don't need motivation i need holidays ,a long holiday." Jimin spoke while faking a cry.

" Ayo ! Don't be upset Jimin-ah ! Holidays are not that necessary but... I want them seriously too." She plopped at the small couch near the wall .

" Now I have a immense respect for secretory Jia . Like how was she able to handle this much work? I am not even able to do half of it .. i work a little bit and suddenly feel like it won't end even if I work all day all night. Work is stress, stress is work." Jimin finally looked up while starting to work again because he had a lot of pending work.

" Jimin you should see the bright side ..... even though for a short time you are working at such high post in such a well known company . You don't how many people are jealous of you right now and they are all just burning. " Rose spoke while she herself opened new packet of snacks as if the lunch break was going on.

" Here I have made a fool of myself and you care about others jealousy." Jimin rolled his eyes.

" You aren't a fool or maybe you are but  You should be proud how you are better than those all . And honestly jimin I think you should call your ex and show him how successful you are .... It would be great imagine he will so jealous and regret loosing you... Do you still have his number?" Rose asked imagining a drama story to happen as she took Jimin's phone while jimin looked at her unimpressed with a frown.

' Yeah I should definitely call my ex and tell him how successful I'm with the job he forced me to do ' Jimin spoke in his mind with a sarcastic smile.

" Aren't you working your brain too much Rosie posie ." Jimin spoke as he snatched his phone back.

" Why ? I'm just telling you a way because that bastard should also realise what he had lost. " Rosie spoke while chewing his chips again.

" Rosie he isn't stupid to get jealous about anything I have . He hates me. Plus i don't have his phone number anymore." Jimin spoke with a sigh while looking at Rose.

" I'm sorry!! I didn't want to hurt your feelings I was trying to lighten up the mood. " She spoke while she closed her chips packet to show sincerity .

" It's ok i know." Jimin spoke .

" Your ex was an stupid jerk. End of the discussion ." Rosie spoke while coming coming behind Jimin's chair to hug him from behind.

" oOk ok ..You won't listen no matter how i tel-... Rosie no your hands are dirty and oily you can't hug me ....No.." jimin almost yelled when Rose hugged him tightly from behind sealing him to the chair's back while laughing hard .

Both were too busy screaming and laughing but didn't notice the open the  door and certain someone who stood at the door with frowning eyes .

" Rosie you will get my shirt spoiled if you won't back away right now!!..." Jimin spoke while trying to remove her but unable due to laughing hard her hairs tickled him.

" Oh so your shirt costs you more than my affection now!!" She spoke while pretending like she was about to spoil his shirt.

'knock-knock' jungkook tried to know the door but none of them noticed.

" Your affection is free... Stop .. but my shirt costs money idiot." Jimin tried to close his neck to avoid the tickling sensation .

' knock-knock' jungkook knocked again only to unnoticed again.

" How dare you ungrat-..."  Rosie Stopped suddenly.

" Will you both please notice me ? I'm here too...." Jungkook asked while frowning and folding his arms on his chest.

Both of them looked at jungkook and then looked at each other. They were still in the same position how jimin on the chair , rose hugging him from behind while her hair scattered over jimin's neck and face.

Suddenly Rosie pushed jimin forward breaking the hug causing him to almost hit the table.

" I was just here for the lunch break Mr. Jeon and he invited me..." Rosie spoke while pointing at jimin.

'  bitch really!when did I invite her?' jimin looked at her abruptly.

" So don't you think you should see the time and realise that lunch got over 5minutes ago already." Jungkook spoke showing her his watch .

" Yeah you are right I should leave now." She spoke and ran outside in panic.

" And you called me what.. behind my b--............ You again ?" jungkook stopped in confusion when he saw rose entering the room again.

" I forgot my important stuff here I'm sorry. " She spoke and bowed a little. She picked up her chips packet and ran away again while showing jimin a best of luck sign.

She left and jimin just looked down while doodling on the table with his finger.

" So this is how you work so professionall-....At least show some respect I'm standing and you are sitting." Jungkook spoke while jimin stood up from his seat still not looking up and continued the doodling.

" Stop that doodling and pay attention." Jungkook spoke and jimin stopped his action.

" Raise your head." Jungkook spoke pointing out. Jimin raised his head but his eyes were still at the table.

" Look at me while I'm talking . " Jungkook spoke while grabbing jimin's both chubby cheeks from one hand. Jimin looked at him with a frown.

" Yah! Remove that frown ." Jungkook spoke while he pulled jimin's face little forward causing his lips to pucker outward.

This time the boy was not compelled to order while he additionally just deepened his frown.

" Ah ! What should I do with you?" Jungkook just pushed jimin lightly while leaving his chubby cheeks giving them a reddish colour.

" What happened now? First you were having fun with your friend here like it isn't some  working place but an amusement park. Now you are disobeying me. Either you tell me or tomorrow your lunch is cancelled."  Jungkook threatened while controlling his impulsives.

" I read the books you gave I read secretary Jia's work but I still don't know how to do anything. I doubt everything. I tried to coax clients but I failed . I don't know how to deal with clients nicely. I tried to make appointments from which I was mostly denied. This paper work isn't ending. I have copied tons of papers but still there is always some mistake in each one. Secretary Jia isn't picking up calls now. She probably changed her number. I don't know what to do now." Jimin spoke while looking away .

Jungkook blinked and blinked for good seconds while looking at jimin.

" Just this much anything else?" Jungkook asked with a tight smile.

" There is much more but i only remember these for now." Jimin spoke while thinking.

" You-...... Nothing worked for you . I'll give you a number you can ask your all doubts, each everything from that person. And if.. only if any doubt still remain ask from me." Jungkook spoke while fisting his fingers tightly controling himself from explode.

" Ok. Now you can go... I mean-n  you can leave if you want to." Jimin spoke but changed sentence when saw jungkook glaring. He bowed politely so that Jungkook could take it as a sign to leave but he didn't. Instead he sat on the couch there while crossing legs there and started using his phone.

" Now why is he sitting here." Jimin murmured to himself and started to try to work again.

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