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Dear diary,

I have so much I wanna say about today. But, my period pains are hurting me. They were hurting me earlier when I was sat on the bench and I had to sit and bring my knees to my chest, don't think he noticed. I even unbuttoned my jeans briefly at one point. It just hit me randomly, like sharp pains. And I'm bloated because of it. I wanted to have paracetamol in my car but I would have had to walk all the way to my car but I was in pain to even get up from the bench.

So I'm in bed now and I'm quite tired and in pain to write . I'll write it tomorrow morning if I wake up early, that's something I'm annoyed about.
Last week harisa said we would split who takes who, this week. She said she'd do a few days and I'd do a few days but now she's saying she was under the impression I was gonna take her all of this week? I go I thought you said we'd do a few days each, and she sends a voice note and honestly I cba. I cba to argue. It's only 4 more days. I'd have to do petrol. But I don't like it when people go back on their word. When you say something, stick to it. I get people change their mind but when it's literally your idea, don't tell me something else.

But I told her I'm easy and I'm calm. I didn't make a big deal out of it, I just accepted it. I cba. I'm easy going and chill, but it annoyed me slightly. Because I know if it was vice versa she'd be annoyed at me but I just cba anymore I don't have the energy.

I think I'm gonna sleep soon. I literally had a nap when I came home, I fell asleep in the garden and woke up cos iehab called me at 4pm when she finished work. Was so tired, I'm so drained lately.

My hair is wet cos I had a shower and went out straight after, so I'm letting it air dry.

Got my window open and feel my eyes closing

Anyways good night diary, I'll fill you in properly tomorrow

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