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Dear diary,

There's so much I haven't wrote about the last few days I just don't have the time or energy and when it's night, which is when I usually write in my diary, I'm too tired and just wanna sleep. But I really do wanna write about my week this week. Maybe I'll write when I have time in work tomorrow but I think it'll be busy.

I didn't go uni today. I wanted to spend my sister and brother in law and cousins last day here with them. And I don't regret not going to uni either. I get on really well with my brother in law, and my cousin. They actually had my back last night. We went to this reservoir place at night and I was the only one who wanted to get out and take a pic. There was another car parked up and this crazy ass car revving up and down driving at crazy speeds and smelt of weed and stuff. So I heard my BIL tell my sister he'd get out the car to make sure I was safe, and then as I was walking back to the car with my BIL, the car started speeding up right next to me and my cousin who's a guy, was out the car as well and made sure I got in the car first before he did or BIL did.

My cousin used to live in the uk ages ago, he moved back to Iran when he was like 13, and he's moved back here again with his wife and baby. He grew up here in Sheffield. So he's seen me when I was a baby and things, and my BIL has known me since I was like 18 I think .

My mum wanted something from Tesco today so I drove up in the morning & got the stuff she wanted and also got my sister a thank you card cos she helped me out with my exam and stuff and with education and I honestly really appreciated it. She took time out of her day.

I'm such a card person. I keep all my cards. I was going through them the other day and came across a card from someone who lived down our street, a bungalow with a massive garden with loads of apple trees but the new owners have cut it all down 😡 but anyway, her name was Nancy and she was like 95 and she was basically my British grandmother and I used to tell her this. I found her card she gave on my bday and it made me smile seeing her handwriting. Now she's just a beautiful soul I used to know. I remember her from time to time. I knew her since I was 9/10, I visited her after school and whatever and would chat with her for hours.

So yeah, anyways, I picked out her card carefully I like giving cards to the people I love, I find them thoughtful. Just a small token of my appreciation.

They left around 2pm I think

I went to my room and fell asleep for an hour. I was watching something on my phone and I was knocked out I was SHATTERED. I was so tired nothing could have woken me up. I'm a light sleeper usually but I've noticed when I'm extremely tired and fall asleep instantly, I'm such a heavy sleeper. My mum was literally on the phone to family talking really loud and it probably only woke me up once and I fell right back asleep.  I felt really light headed again today, eyes went black like my vision went black and I was dizzy and had to steady myself. That happened 3 times today. It's getting quite bad. This is how I know I'm overworking myself my body feels so weak. I can't even do everything I want to at the gym.

I heard my mum talking to my cousin in Iran, on the phone . She was talking about the villa we have in Iran, I think she wants to do work on it and buy stuff for it and something to do with water. My mums an architect and degree in interior design so she has an eye for renovating and detail, and she's always wanted to build a house from scratch. That's literally her dream in life. I've always wanted to work hard to be able to help support or fund her dream. To be able to build her dream house.

So I heard her say to my cousin "that's gonna be a lot of money" and even tho I was paying attention to my baby cousin (her name is Noora) she was on my lap and I was feeding her, I turned around and I said "I'll help you" and ays was washing the dishes and she heard and said the exact same thing as me at the exact same time. We both said "I'll help you" at the same time and we both looked at each other after we said it lol and my mum almost cried

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