Palestine Qalbi🇵🇸❤️

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This is from a few days ago

Israel has declared war with Palestine.
Not sure if this will potentially lead to WW3. My socials are going crazy.
My Muslim friends were texting me about it and even a few of my white friends, they all stand with Palestine. I didn't even bring it up. Tash was the one that surprised me the most. She did her research and showed me videos and things that even I didn't know, she's not even the type of person to be into this stuff (I'm not either but I think everyone knows about Palestine/ Israel) the stuff she sent further proved how much I hate Israel. I love it when my friends are open minded and are interested in knowing what's happening instead of believing everything the news tells you cos it's lies.

I'll always stand with Palestine. There's no two ways about it. But I'd much rather not talk about it with those who don't know much about it, I'm all for kindly educating cos If you don't know then you don't know, that's fine, but if you're talking to me with the intention of trying to change my mind, you're wasting your time.  it's something I'm passionate about and I can't stand it when Palestine is disrespected. So unless you know all the facts, I beg you, do not involve me in a conversation about Israel unless you want to provoke me and I promise you, I'll annihilate you with facts, I may not be the smartest in the room but don't underestimate me lol. Don't test me when it comes to Palestine. They're my people. There's people parading Palestinians flags in the streets now in London and playing Palestinian music. Samahs bf is Palestinian he wants to move back to Palestine to fight for his country. Idk how she feels about that.

Palestine has been promised victory against the real terrorists. It says it in the Quran. Palestine will be free. My entire socials and TikTok's are filled with people supporting Palestine, not Muslims but everyone. You don't have to be Muslim to support Palestine. It's not a matter of race or religion, it's a matter of human equality

White celebs, literally everyone. Drake even mentioned Palestine in his song. finally Palestine getting the recognition they deserve. Paul pogba, footballer Sadio Mane, Ronaldo, maradona, chance the rapper, the singer Sza,. Michael B Jordan. Bella Hadid has been going to Palestine protests in America, for those that don't who she is, google, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows her 🇵🇸🇵🇸 The greatest of the greats, Nelson Mandela. Ghandi, Albert Einstein and Malcolm X have all spoke out on Palestine, google it if you don't believe me. The entire world knows who to stand with. 🇵🇸

This is a very important topic to me, in fact, it's the only topic that can rile me up from 0-100 in a matter of seconds. Funny how when Ukraine stands up for themselves against Russia they're called heroes but Palestine stands up and they're called terrorists loooool. If standing up for Palestine makes me a terrorist then call me a terrorist, I'll happily identify as one xxxxxx

Don't believe the news, it's controlled by white supremacists and the uk. Can't be trusted.
I've donated to Palestine charity to help out in ways that I am able to. I have attended peaceful protests with my friends for Palestine every few years, I don't even have an ounce of Palestinian blood.
the last protest I went to was two years ago. I'm not kidding, don't mention "israel" around me.

And that's my say on the matter.

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