Chapter 2: Ashley's POV

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I turn around and what I see makes me feel sick with shock: Andy's kissing her. I can't do this anymore.

"Andy you've had too much to drink, we need to go."

He murmurs something that I can barely understand, due to his drunk slurring and the fact that he was still trying to eat Juliet's face.

"C'mon Andy", I say, grabbing his hand.

This time he doesn't even say anything, just yanks his hand out of mine so he can pull Juliet closer to him. I turn away as tears sting my eyes. I'm delusional; I'm giving up. Another glance behind me proves that Andy isn't going anywhere soon, so I storm out of the bar.

It's only when my face hits the cool air outside that I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't know when they got there and honestly, I don't care. I just want to get as far away from Andy as I can.

I head back to the hotel, taking lengthy strides.

Not as long as Andy's though, with his gazelle legs...

Dammit! I need to stop thinking about him!

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