Chapter 54: Ashley's POV

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I check my phone for the time as we step outside into the fresh, cool air. 1:24.

"Hey, I heard there's a cinema not too far away. Wanna watch a film?" I suggest.

"Sounds good to me!"

So Andy attempts to hail a taxi, flailing aimlessly by the roadside as I use my phone to find out where the nearest one is.

The taxi driver ends up being quite pleasant, and the journey passes quickly with light-hearted conversation here and there. I gladly pay him with a generous tip, and escort Andy out, linking his arm with mine - sarcastically, of course.

I walk into the cinema, its glass panes dazzling me. The screens above the desk flick between movie listings.

"Ooh, Avengers! What about that one?"

"Or there's that new horror film, Annabelle..."

"Divergent! I've read that book!"

Eventually Andy persuades me to watch Annabelle, even though he knows I'm shit scared of horror films.

As we enter the cinema, I notice how luxurious it is: the lights are modern and sleek, the chairs are comfy, and the screen is big enough so that I feel immersed in it; probably not the best idea for a horror movie.

After a load of trailers, it finally begins. When the movie progresses, I realise it's not as scary as I thought it would be. As long as I have Andy, I don't think anything could faze me.

But I guess acting scared would mean more hugs, and this may well be my only opportunity to play the pity card in this relationship.

At the next jump-scare scene, I pretend to be really frightened, and my plan must have worked because Andy wraps his arm around me and murmurs, "It's okay baby."

I nuzzle into his comforting shoulder, peeking at the film every now and then, when I can be bothered. I mean, Andy's all I need to feel content.

All too soon, the movie's finished and the lights come back up.

"How did you find that, babe?" He looks at me with concern.

"It was okay."

"I'm sorry if I forced you to do this... I didn't mean to make you that scared."

"No, no, it's fine." I say somewhat truthfully: it's more than fine, anything with Andy is awesome.

Just then, both of our phones get a text. I open it with a frown - it's from John.

Sorted out ccs part for the tour, shows back on tonight. Better hurry!

Eyes wide, our heads both turn as we look at each other for a split second, before bolting over to get yet another taxi.

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