Chapter 48: Ashley's POV

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After the meet and greet, we have an interview with some magazine or something - I didn't catch their name. Me and Ashley are the ones who don't need a food break so we are the only two in the interview. Andy drives us there in our band's spacious spare car.

About halfway through, they ask a question about "Andley". I hadn't realised people had seen the feelings we had for each other! We give each other a worried look for a split second, but Andy deflects the question nicely, and I go along with his lie.

"Thanks for joining us, Andley." The interviewer gives us a playful wink. Me and Andy laugh.

"Don't count on it." I reply.

Exiting the building a little too quickly, we agree that I'll drive back to my house and we'll get the bus to pick us up.

Soon enough, we return to my house; finally me and Andy get to spend some time together.

I curl up on the couch, and Andy sprawls across it, nestling his head into the crook of my knees.

"Whatcha wanna do?" He says playfully.

"Just being with you is enough for me. You choose."

"Hmmmm... Batman?"

I chuckle. "Sure."

After an hour or so, the bus arrives to pick us up. We jump on and settle on the sofa next to each other.

Because I'd brought the DVD, we continue watching batman until we're at the next state. Eventually, the bus stops in a secluded area, surrounded by towering trees.

Andy flies out of the bus, arms spread.

"Na na na na na na na na BATMAN!" He screams at the top of his lungs.

"Wow... Screamo Batman... Never thought I'd hear that." I smirk at him, pulling him into my arms.

"There's a first time for everything." He smiles back at me.

At that moment, CC leaps through the door of the bus. We jump away from each other in guilt.

"HIDE AND SEEK TIG!!" He shouts at anyone who's within a mile of him. "I'M IT!!"

Everyone scatters at his exclamation, dissolving into the greenery.

Still holding Andy's hand, I drag him behind me. My legs fly as I head for the forest.

He starts to run as well, and soon he's next to me. We run in parallel, exchanging grins every now and again.

Panting for breath, we reach a clearing.

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