Chapter 22: Ashley's POV

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The next morning, the whole band fetches their bags and we load them onto the bus. Then we all board it as well. A smell of gasoline fills the air, and all too soon we're moving, away from another location I've grown a strange affection for.

The bus descends into comfortable chatter, but I begin to think everything over instead. I seem to be doing a lot of introspection since that kiss with Andy.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? It would make more sense for me to be thinking about Andy and his feelings, rather than myself and my own petty problems.

Whatever. I sit with my head resting on my hand, trying to look like I'm paying attention to the cartoon Jake and CC are watching on TV. I can't help wondering where the other guys are.

As if to answer my question, Jinxx stumbles into the compartment we're sitting in.

"Guys, something's up with Andy!" He says breathlessly. Immediately, we all scramble to our feet and follow Jinxx back to the kitchen.

At first, I don't see anything wrong - except for the fact that Andy's asleep on the floor. All I can think is, why was Jinxx watching Andy sleep?

But then I realise that he's not sleeping at all: his breathing is irregular and there's a hint of blood on a pillow underneath his head. I don't even think about anything else after that - my only thoughts are to help Andy in any way I can.

Before I know it, he's out of his bunk and on the floor: Jake leans over to give him mouth-to-mouth. I can't let anyone else kiss Andy! It sounds pathetic, I mean it's only first aid, but I would die inside.

So I manage to stop Jake by telling him that I learned mouth-to-mouth back in senior year, and then I prove it.

Strangely, it feels somehow similar to the first kiss. However, I don't let this distract me - I've got to make sure Andy's okay.

This isn't exactly how I pictured our second kiss, but I'll take what I can get. After a few attempts, I get into the rhythm of it, and not long after, Andy comes to.

"Whoa, what happened?" He asks, sitting up and flicking his hair over his currently confused face.

"Don't do that!" Jinxx exclaims, "You don't want to injure your brain!"

"Jinxx, I've been headbanging to music ever since I was 14, I don't think that's going to affect me."

Jinxx shakes his head. "I meant, your brain could have been damaged, by the looks of that pillow. You've probably hit your head, and that can be dangerous." Damn, I wish I could be half as smart as him; he sounds so intelligent all the time.

Maybe if I was that clever, Andy would want me. But at least no one stole my moment with him just then.

That reminds me: why did he make such an effort to leave quickly after the concert last night? I guess now's not the time to ask, but I can't go five minutes without thinking about it.

Just then, an ambulance arrives - amidst all the panic someone must have called 911. The paramedics jump out and instruct us to go to another room so that we don't make him nervous or something.

I feel uncomfortable doing this, but I do so, and soon they've diagnosed Andy with a mild concussion. They treat it as far as possible, then tell us how to care for his concussion and wound.

Still in shock from before, all the information goes straight over my head. Luckily though, Jinxx pays attention, so Andy should be okay after all.

A/N I have loads of this book planned out + written in Ashley's POV but I cbb to write Andy's ahhhh the struggle

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