Chapter 35: Andy's POV

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"I dare you to chug as many of those beers in a minute as you can." I say to CC.

At his command, we count down from sixty, and he manages to down two cans! This is going to be great - CC is the best one out of all of us to get drunk, it's hilarious.

The next one to be asked is Ashley, who has to get the phone number of that old man in reception. I don't envy him.

He's been gone a while, and I'm starting to doubt if the receptionist even has a phone, when I hear faint creaking underneath us: that must be Ashley climbing the stairs.

The door opening labouriously, Ash's face is slowly revealed. Suspense builds as he steps forward; then lifts up a scrap of paper. He's done it!

A chorus of laughter ensues, and we organise ourselves into the ring we were sat in, on the dusty floor.

Then it's Jinxx's turn, and he chooses truth.

"Would you rather... Drink your own piss or eat your own puke?"

"... Puke I guess?" He's so weirded out, which is the funniest thing.

The next series of people choose truth, which is quite boring, then it's Ashley's go; he also chooses truth. This is about to get interesting.

"What's the most embarrassing fact about you?" Jake questions; Ash sighs.

"Promise you won't hate me?"

"Dude, we'd never judge you." I assure him.

"Alright... I'm bi."


"Is that it? That's totally cool with me, man." Jinxx says with a chuckle. "What about you guys?" I nod, wholeheartedly agreeing

It's amazing! I actually have a chance with him! But why does he think it's embarrassing? Is he ashamed? Maybe I should talk to him.

Suddenly, CC whacks my arm. "Dude!"

"What? Sorry, I was um.. Yeah"

"Truth or dare?" Ashley asks me. Stupidly, I say truth.

Then comes one of my most dreaded questions. "Are you in love with anyone?"

A/N it's currently ten past seven on a Sunday and I'm awake to go on a German exchange DX but that means I won't update for a week or so. Sorry

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