Chapter 33: Andy's POV

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"I wonder," Jinxx starts with enthusiasm, "if there are any ghosts here?" He pauses a second for dramatic effect, standing tall and eager on his tip toes: though he still doesn't compare to my height.

Suddenly there's a road in my ear as I feel strong arms contract around my waist. I scream with fright - then his drumstick pokes my back and I realise it's CC (those damn drumsticks, they go everywhere with him).

"Hey!" I yell, "I didn't realise you were up here!"

"Well, you're not exactly quiet."

"True." I say with a chuckle.

"Guuuuuuuys..." Jake whines.

"Yeeeeeeees?" CC replies.

"Letsplaytruthordare!" He suggests excitably - this is met with a series of 'yes's and 'mm hmm's.

Do we really have do this? It feels like we're tween girls. Plus, I'm terrified one of my few secrets will be discovered.

"Okay. Andy." Jake begins. Seriously? "Truth or dare?"

Groaning internally, I choose dare: I'm instructed to get something from a store in my pyjamas.

"Fiiiiine." Throwing my head back to look at the ceiling, I drag my feet unenthusiastically out of the attic and down the stairs.

I make my way down to the liquor store, scuffing my slippered feet on the floor. When I open the door, a bell rings: great. Even more attention directed at me - this earns me strange looks from the cashier, an elderly woman and a student.

Of course, beer is on the back shelf. I decide to work this outfit, whether I like it or not. I nonchalantly stroll to the back, grab six beers, and pay for them.

With nothing more than a couple frowns, I walk back triumphantly to the hotel. Thank God I can remember where it is.

I climb the stairs once again - now in a better mood - and throw open the door.

"I just got the party started!" I shout to an audience of a few claps and whoops.

Slinging the pack of beers in the corner, it skids to a halt next to the wardrobe with a dry scraping and a dull thud.

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