Chapter 44: Ashley's POV

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Suddenly, reality sets back in, and I start to panic about how to get back. Just as it was calming down, my heart beat quickens and I start breathing shallowly.

"Andy," I say between gasps, "I'm scared."

He murmurs calming things, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we slowly sit on the floor.

"Shhh, Ash... We'll find our way... We've got each other..."

Suddenly a pair of bright headlights streaks across my vision; the vehicle slows and starts to reverse towards us.

My panic attack gets worse. What's going to happen to us? No one knows where we are or even realises that we're missing.

The van could be full of rabid fans, or die-hard haters, or a criminal gang. I don't know this area, it doesn't seem safe to me.

I jump, startled, as the black door opens and three tall silhouettes emerge. They immediately sprint, making their way towards me.

When they get a couple of feet away, their faces begin to be illuminated, and I can make out some of their facial features. I try to commit them to memory.

Reaching me and Andy, the figures swoop in and engulf us.

I struggle against them. When I gain freedom, I can finally work out their identity: it's Jake, Jinxx and CC!

"Guys! What the hell are you doing out here?! We've been looking for you for the past hour!" Jake exclaims.

"We uh... Got lost?" I say, looking at Andy for validation. He quickly nods to agree.

"Yeah, it was all my fault. I'm really sorry. I just needed some time away from it all, you know? And I think I've got what I need now." He turns to me, flashing a brief smirk and flirtatious wink.

"It's okay, we're really glad you're safe. Come on, let's get on the bus while we wait for CC to sober up." Jinxx beckons us towards him with an arm and a flick of his head.

Boy, is he right about CC.

"Diddyyou twooo disappeeear to have somm gyay sexxx with eachhhh otherr?" He slurs drunkenly.

Andy rolls his eyes and pushes CC into the sofa by his chest.

"Yeah, sure, we're madly in love. Where did you get that idea from?" I guess we're not telling the band about our relationship any time soon then.

"But Ashhhleh loooves you, can't yooouu shee?"

"CC. You're drunk off your head. You have no idea what you're saying. Go to bed." Andy begins to speak sternly.


CC then proceeds to stretch along the length of the couch, making exaggerated snoring noises.

"Bettehr Andehhh??" He lifts his head off the cushions to ask.

"Sure, Chris."

After a few more antics, we're finally back at the hotel. It's a team effort to get CC back to his room and into his bed without tripping over his own feet - or anyone else's, for that matter.

But eventually, we manage, and part ways to go to sleep.

Andy and I don't even bother getting changed, just crawl into our refreshingly cool bed.

"Good thing we decided to share, huh?" I point out.

"Definitely." He agrees; I can hear the smile in his tone.

He falls asleep almost straight away, and I peck his nose as he loses awareness.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack. All mine." I whisper.

Sleep ensues not long after.

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