Chapter 51: Andy's POV

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CC's body makes a sickening dull thud as he hits the stone. I yell his name, my voice breaking, sprinting towards him. Even in the semi-dark I can tell something's up.

Knee twisted at an unnatural angle, wrist completely messed up - we're gonna need an ambulance.

I shout over to Ashley, who immediately climbs up to the ledge  once more, and retrieves his phone: luckily, he'd taken it out of his pocket before we fell. Pacing up and down, he bites on his fingernails absentmindedly as he tells them our location.

Softly speaking to CC, I try to tell him that it'll be okay; he won't stop panicking, about the band, his health, the fact that we're in the middle of the woods.

Eventually, the paramedics come jogging out of the dense trees through the twilight. They must have spotted CC through the dense curtain of nightfall, because they come rushing over to us.

My mouth works automatically, telling them all the details they need to know. I don't process anything until they've checked him for severe injury, and are helping him back through the forest to the ambulance.

"Wait up!" I call, trying to catch up to them - fortunately, they hear me and pause, turning around for a moment. "Can I ride with him? In the ambulance, I mean."

They give me a somewhat weirded out look, and agree; I follow them back, navigating the rugged tree roots and matted thorns by torchlight. It's getting darker by the second.

When we reach the bus, the ambulance is parked near it, and I open the doors to allow them to set CC down on a seat, putting temporary splints on both his wrist and leg.

One of the two paramedics takes me aside, subtly asking me what happened, how come he ended up like this. I sigh - it's a bit stupid.

"So, we'd been messing around in the lake, and then Christian - CC - thinks it'd be funny to take my phone out of my jacket pocket; I'd left it out of the water, of course. But the rocks were slippy, it was dark, and you can see what happened from there..."

Giving me a comforting shoulder rub, he nods, trying to act sympathetic, but it's pretty obviously a lie. He deals with this crap on a day-to-day basis. He doesn't care.

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