Chapter 59: Jake's POV

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"So, this," He strums hesitantly, "is a C?"

"Very good!" I smile encouragingly at him.

After sorting everything out with our tour manager, we've gone back to our LA apartments for a couple of days, and we're taking the time to relax while things get back on track.

After about another hour of Ashley's patient learning (which consisted of him repeating every chord at least ten times), he's got the basics down, at last.

"Alright, I think we'll teach you some picking first. It can be quite difficult, but it sounds really impressive."

Sitting on the chair opposite me, I slowly play a melody on his acoustic guitar. He plays the notes back two at a time, and it takes a few more tries for him to learn it completely.

"Awesome! I'll see you back here same time tomorrow, right?"

"For sure!" He replies as he puts the guitar back and heads back outside. "Bye!" He waves back at me as I close the door, smiling.

* * *

Ashley's POV


Crap. I was hoping the door wouldn't be loud enough to wake him up. I sink down onto the bed beside him, running a tentative hand through his hair. "Hey, you."

"No offence, but what are you like, doing?"

"Just thought I'd ask if, um, I could maybe, stay in your apartment for now? I mean, seeing as we're dating, I thought it'd be cute, and..." I trail off, laughing instead at Andy's blushing cheeks.

"Yeah of course, just, uh, let me take a shower first." He walks into the bathroom, taking his shirt off before closing the door. I smirk as I hear the sound of running water. You ain't fooling no one, Andy Biersack.

Ten minutes later, he opens the door with a towel wrapped around his waist, and another twirled around his hair, piled neatly on top of his head. I can't help it - I start laughing again. "Dude."

He chuckles, taking a seat next to me on the bed. "What?"

"Nothing." I chuckle.

"Hey, is it a special event or something? Why're you up so early?"

"Oh I just had a... Thing with Jake," I scratch the back of my head, not wanting to give the game away too early. "We're planning on meeting every day though, so don't be surprised if I'm gone when you wake up tomorrow."

"Sure..." Andy says through a frown, and despite the lingering droplets of water, I envelope him in a hug by way of thanks.

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