Chapter 36: Ashley's POV

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"Now, Jinxx. Truth or dare?"

"Let's change it up a bit: truth!"

"Would you rather... Drink your own piss or eat your own puke?" We all look at Jinxx in anticipation for his answer.

"Puke, I guess?" The look on his face is cause for another chorus of giggles.

After a few more rounds, it's back to me: this time Jake asks.

"Ashley, truth or dare?"

"Screw it, I'll go with truth."

"What's the most embarrassing fact about you?"

This is a perfect chance to tell everyone that I'm bi. What will they think? I don't want to ruin anything with the band. But then again, worse things could happen if I didn't tell them, and they've got to find out sooner or later.

In the end, I decide it's better for me to just go ahead and let them know now. I let out a begrudging sigh.

"Promise you won't hate me?"

"Dude, we'd never judge you." Andy says. I smile at his encouragement.

"Alright... I think I'm bi." I wait for everyone's reaction.

"Is that it?" Jinxx laughs, "That's totally cool with me, man. What about you guys?" The rest of the band nods at this point.

I look at Andy to see what he thinks. His eyes are glazed, as if he's lost deep in thought - and it turns out that he is: when I ask him truth or dare, he doesn't reply.

"Dude!" CC says, shoving his shoulder slightly.

With a series of distant excuses, Andy re-enters the game.

"Truth or dare?" I ask him, once I have his full attention.

"Truth, I guess?"

That's what I was hoping for. Now I can get some answers. 

"Are you in love with anyone?" I say, looking him straight in his eyes, their blue dulled by the lack of light up here.

Almost immediately, he breaks eye contact to glance down at his legs, which are clothed in skinny leather pants, matched with black leather boots.

"Well... Kinda..." He says, a small smile creeping into his lips.

Oh great. He loves someone. What the hell am I meant to do now? Unless it's me...?

No Ashley, stop getting your hopes up. He's straight, always has been, always will be. Plus, all the ladies want him; I don't see why anyone would choose a piece of crap like me over all the beautiful girls he could have.

CC and Jake start teasing him, jostling and asking who it is. He blushes a bit, hanging his head down further.

"I can't say."

Suddenly he springs up. The dust swirls in the faded light and I hear the stairs creak as he makes his way back down to the room. Now he's running away from the problems he's caused! No, that's stupid. Of course he doesn't know what's going on in my head. No one ever does.

It must just be me, I don't know why my brain works like this: I've never liked a man before. Why do I have to be the different one? I'm never going to be happy in love unless I get Andy, and that's impossible.

I feel like I should follow Andy but it would probably be too painful for me.

In the meantime, I may as well carry on with the game.

"I guess I'll ask someone else then: CC. Truth or dare?"

A/N Change of plan! I'll probably be able to update this week. OMG this German family is so nice and everything's so pretty but most things are German so I can only understand a bit :(

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