Chapter 34: Ashley's POV

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"Uhhh... Dare?"

"I dare you to go and buy something from that store down the road."

"But I'm in my PJs!"

"Exactly!" Jake says mischievously.

Reluctantly, Andy does it. Five minutes later he's back, holding a six pack of beers.

"Party. Officially. Started!" He jokes.

So then Andy had to ask.

"CC, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh."

"I dare you to chug as many of those beers in a minute as you can."

"Challenge accepted!" He strolls over to where Andy had put the beers.

"Time me." We all start counting sixty seconds. He clicks one open, drinks it, and soon he's onto the second.

At the end of a minute, he's drunk two pints of beer - he's going to have a hangover tomorrow!

"Okay uh... Ashley! Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare again."

"Hmmm. I dare you to go and ask for the receptionist's number."

So I head down the creaky stairs again to the main desk. After some amount of persuasion, I manage to get the old man's phone number.

Opening the attic door again, I see four faces peering at me from the darkness, eager to know if I've succeeded.

Slyly grinning, I hold the piece of paper up for everyone to see - immediately they all burst into laughter.

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