Chapter 17: Andy's POV

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After a day of boredom, we finally get to the concert. Usually these are the highlight of my day, and it's no different today.

The adrenaline pumps through me as it always does, and I start the first song.

A while later, I sing the final line of the last song - well, rather, I scream.

"Stolen Omeeeeeeeeen!" Adding my signature roar at the end. The crowd absolutely loves this.

With a closing speech, I turn around and exit the stage; the cheering of the audience still rings in my ears.

I spot Ashley and my mind flicks back to this morning. Maybe I should ask him about it.

"So I saw you earlier with that chick... What's the deal with you two?" I ask him as innocuously as I can.

"Oh, nothing. She was a bitch, but she was good at it, if you know what I mean." He grins like a teenage boy.

"Nice one bro." I reply with a mental eye roll. Back to his usual ways, I see.

"What about you? That night when you were getting it on with... Juliet, was it?"

Cringing at the memory, I bullshit an answer about not remembering anything: I wish. Anyway, I'm not telling Ashley I left Juliet to chase him.

"Why?" I enquire. He doesn't seem to answer - he's staring into space for some reason.

"Hello?" Trying to get his attention, an idea comes into my head.

"You know... We kissed last night. Do you remember?"

No, he's definitely not listening - I expected to get some response to that, but the gormless expression remains on his face. I'm glad of the ambient chatter: it means no one else heard that, either.

"Anyway, I need your help. My mom told me to eat my broccoli so I stabbed her with the butterknife. So do you think you could help me hide the body?" Finally, he replies to this.

"WHAT?!" He looks so taken aback; good.

"I knew you weren't listening." I try to make my face and voice as sassy as possible.

In vain, he attempts to make an excuse. I should put him out of his misery.

"It's okay, I find it funny." My face breaking into a smile, I shake my head at him.

Weirdly, he runs over to Jake and starts talking to him. Oh well, I'll catch up with CC then.

It turns out he's already left to pack his stuff. Typical. Instead, I find a coffee machine and make a mocha: I love chocolate.

I sit down and sip at it, witnessing the liveliness of backstage; we really are like one big family.

I've just finished drinking it and am washing up the cup when it goes noticeably quieter. Somewhat distracted, Ashley sits on the sofa opposite me, and I frown, taking a seat on the arm of the other one.

He looks like he's about to do something - but what?

A/N @OrangeRoses21 has a great Andley called How to Fall in Love. You should check it out because goals.

Take Your Hand In Mine  {Andley}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang