Chapter 49: Andy's POV

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CC runs out of the bus, making me and Ash spring out of our hug. "HIDE AND GO SEEK TAG!!" He yells, adding "I'M IT!" As everyone scatters into the surrounding woods.

Ashley takes my hand and pulls me behind him, stumbling every now and then as we dodge trees.

As the trees thin out a bit, I let go of his hand and run beside him, smiling. I'm so caught up in his rippling hair and gorgeous scent that I almost don't notice when we stop in a clearing.

Ashley grins. "Perfect." He states. I look at him quizzically, and he turns my shoulders around so I'm seeing what he is.

There's a beautiful lake here, water lapping at the pebbles, reflecting the sun perfectly. A waterfall gushes to the right, and behind it is a cavern.

I raise an eyebrow at Ashley, and he seems to sense what I'm about to do. We both sprint towards the cliff, catching our breath as we lean against its coarse face.

Beginning to climb the rock, I notice Ash do the same just below me.

"Nice ass." I hear the smirk in his tone.

"You're lucky I can't slap you right now!" I laugh, reaching the top of the cliff. I pull myself up, reaching a hand to help him.

"Beautiful." I murmur - the sun casts a warm glow over the lake as it disappears, almost blinding me with its many reflections on the water's surface.

"I know you are." Ashley chuckles, leaning towards me, grabbing my elbow as he presses his lips to mine.

A/N I can't believe this. 3 freaking THOUSAND people have my story in their library!! That's absolutely insane thank you all so much if you've followed my story to this point ahhh have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night

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