Chapter 39: Andy's POV

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Ash says sorry, and I brush it off. With a deep sigh, I sit up, swinging my legs against the sagging mattress.

A lengthy silence ensues, and I decide to break the awkwardness.

"Sounds like it's getting pretty intense up there."

"Tell me about it." He says, somewhat annoyed.

"They're like those uncles that seem innocent, but when they get drunk they're like an inappropriate situation generator!" What the fuck did I just say? He laughs anyway: probably to be polite.

"Why'd you come back down, anyway?" I ask. He insults the guys, and I apologise for them - he brushes it off, looking down and shrugging like a moody teenager.

"Hey, don't be so anxious. Nothing's going to happen." Placing a soothing hand on his leg, I immediately feel the sparks.

"It's just... I'm just thinking."

"Think all you want." I comment thoughtfully. "Sometimes it's good to let loose though." Suddenly I'm struck by inspiration: I invite Ashley to join me, as I'm going to a party with Ronnie Radke tonight.

"Sure, but do you think we can leave those three up in the attic on their own?" He directs a concerned look towards the ceiling.

"What's the worst that can happen? They go to Narnia through that wardrobe? I don't think so." This earns me a chuckle. "Come on!" I pull him outside by the arm.

I march him through the rapidly emptying streets - unfortunately I soon realise that I am well and truly lost. Looking around as subtly as possible, I try to find my way. It's obviously not subtle enough.

"Andy... We're not lost are we?"

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