Chapter 40: Ashley's POV

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I reluctantly follow him out of our room and then the front door of the hotel. He starts off walking purposefully for the first couple of blocks, but slowly begins to dawdle, looking every which way to try and find his bearings.

"Andy... We're not lost are we?"

"No, of course not. I just hang around in unknown neighbourhoods after dark for the fun of it." He says, voice dripping with sarcasm.

In some ways, I'm glad - it means I get to spend extra one-on-one time with Andy, which is a bonus. But I've got to admit, I'm kinda scared out here.

A cold wind rushes past, causing me to shrink further inside my leather jacket. It makes that whooshing noise you only get when you're in an area of high-rise buildings, reminding me of some sort of horror movie. The new moon doesn't help, either.

"I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm just... Tired, and a bit stressed out." He sighs. I frown gently. This is out of character for Andy: normally he's really chilled, and he only stresses about big decisions. 

"Really? What's bothering you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter," I impersonate him with a low, gruff voice, "I'm trying to act all tough so no one can know what's going through the deepest, darkest depths of my mind."

"Yeah, something like that." A smile finds its way onto his face.

"Hey, we could always get a taxi back." I suggest.

"Hmm, yeah, except we don't actually know where the hotel is." He counters.

"Oh. Well, we're screwed."

We stop at this, Andy running his hand through his hair with anxiety. Another breath of chilling wind makes me shiver.

"Are you cold?"

I shake my head, afraid that my voice will tremble if I talk.

"You're shaking!" He observes, "Here."

He gives me his jacket. Two leather jackets - great fashion statement. Luckily his height means his jacket will just about fit on top of mine.

It doesn't really help much, but his kindness warms me from the inside. The collar of his jacket brushes against my nose and I catch the scent of his cologne - perfect, just like everything else about him.

Seeing that my teeth are chattering, Andy wraps his arms around me. His body heat quickly radiates to me, but I'm too busy enjoying the moment to notice.

Something about the sense of impending doom, combined with Andy's welcoming embrace, sparks a surge of courage in me.

"Hey, Andy..."

"Mmm?" He says, pulling away from the hug to look me in the eyes.

"Before we get murdered, kidnapped or mugged..."

"Oh my!" He chuckles. I grin, and continue.

"Can I tell you something?"


Take Your Hand In Mine  {Andley}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang