Chapter 23: Andy's POV

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I'm stood in the kitchen with Jinxx, having a laugh, eating some pop tarts, when suddenly I feel a stabbing sensation in my chest. My left arm throbs with pain as the bus brakes quickly and my head's thrown back against a cabinet.

The hand on my heart squeezes tighter and tighter, and I can feel unconsciousness taking over me from the blow to my head. All I can see is the look of horror on Jinxx's face before my eyes fall shut.

Now I'm lying on my back in the middle of the room - and Ashley's leaning over me. He jumps back to my side in embarrassment when he realises I'm awake. I sit up, flicking my hair to the side.

"Whoa, what happened?" I say, frowning.

"Don't do that!" I flinch at Jinxx's loud command. "You don't want to injure your brain!"

"Jinxx, I've been headbanging to music ever since I was 14. I don't think that's going to affect me."

"I meant, your brain could have been damaged, by the looks of that pillow." I turn around to see a blood-stained pillow on the floor: they're always so thoughtful. "You've probably hit your head, and that can be dangerous."

Just then I hear a siren and the sound of a vehicle pulling up; I didn't realise the bus had stopped.

Some paramedics walk purposefully into the room, addressing everyone except for me.

"We're gonna need you to go to another room. You might make him nervous." With an insulted frown from Ashley, they exit, leaving me alone.

The female paramedic has ash blonde hair, with dark brown eyes which remind me of Ashley's. Her gentle hands assess my injuries.

Her male co worker has dark brown hair gelled into a quiff, and a manly square jaw, dotted with stubble. He asks me a few blunt questions, and I answer them honestly.

"Looks like concussion, don't you think?" He asks the woman.

"Yeah, and uh... You don't look too bad yourself..." She turns her head towards me, her dainty fingers walking up my thigh.

Giving her a doubtful look, I push her hand off me.

"I'm taken." I lie.

"Your girlfriend doesn't have to know." She winks: I sigh. I'm pretty sure I'm gay, or at least bisexual. Why do people always assume that everyone's straight?

She perseveres, stroking my hair as she puts a bandage where I must have hit my head when I fell. Wincing, I wait for this torture to be over.

After a brief discussion between the paramedics, everyone comes back into the room. The man tells them a load of medical stuff that I don't understand, but Jinxx nods his head like he gets it.

Eventually that creepy woman and her friend leave, and we're left with one person who knows how to not let me die.

So naturally, we turn the TV on again and continue watching it.

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