Chapter 14: Ashley's POV

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I wake up next to Sandra. Ugh, how am I going to get her out of my room before Andy sees her?

I decide to take a shower while I'm waiting for her to wake up. The warm water somehow soothes the headache I have from drinking last night.

I guess the noise of the water must have woken her up because a few minutes later she came into the bathroom. Jesus, can't I have any privacy?!

"Oh yeah, in the shower would be fun", she says with a dirty smirk on her smug little face. I really want to be rude to her but I'll try to be nice.

"Sorry", I start, grabbing the towel and managing to preserve my decency while drying off a bit. "I don't really think this is working out." All the time I'm gradually moving her closer to the door. "Bye, have a nice life!" I open the door and wave her off.

I've just realised I'm standing in the hotel corridor in my towel from the shower... And my door key is in my room. Shit!

What am I meant to do now? I walk down to reception as fast as possible without drawing attention to myself, and when I arrive the receptionist there looks me up and down, obviously noticing how much I've been working out.

"Hi, I've kinda... Uhhh..."

"You locked yourself out of your room?"

I nod sheepishly and she steps out from her desk to open the door for me. She has a nicer figure than I imagined- No! I've got to stop thinking like that! I have such a Purdy brain! I mentally slap myself.

What's wrong with me? I can't even decide whether I'm attracted to men or women.

After two flights of stairs we get to my room. Just as she steps past me to unlock the door, I take another look at her.

I thank her as she walks back down to her desk, and as my eyes follow her path I see that Andy has been stood there the whole time.

He eyes my more muscular body as well; it might also be the time I've spent on the beach lately, darkening my tan.

"What was that all about?" He asks me suspiciously.

"Just me being a dipshit." I laugh nervously. "Anyway, ready for the last show tonight?"

"Yeah, the crowd's always awesome here." He says, somewhat bluntly.

"So... I guess I'll see you later then..."

"Sure, see you at sound check", and with that he went back into his room, and I returned to mine.

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