Chapter 62: Ashley's POV

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Waking up begrudgingly, I rub my eyes and check the alarm clock. 6:30. Why.

Oh well, gives me time to get to Jake's before Andy realises where I'm going - but I'd better get ready first.

Hurrying, I brush my teeth and hair, getting dressed while I wait for the straight iron to warm up. Eventually it does, and I pull it through my hair; it's straight after a couple of minutes.

"Unlike me." I smirk to myself, looking over at Andy as he sleeps peacefully on the double bed.

As soon as I've applied some subtle makeup, I'm ready to go out: trying to shut the door as quietly as possible, I take one last glance at Andy before it closes.

Only then do I remember the deal with Jake that I made yesterday. I have to sing. Crap.

* * *

As my voice fades away, Jake plays the last few chords, smiling at me. "That was beautiful!"

I try to suppress a smile as he continues. "But all that singing must be making you thirsty. Want something to drink?"

"Yeah, why not?"

So we walk through to his kitchen: it's such a bright white it hurts my eyes, and I can smell fresh cleaning product.

He grabs two beers out of his pristine fridge, and passes one to me.

"Beer okay?"

"Sure." The drink hisses slightly as I click the can open.

I've drunk about half of it when Trixie pads into the room - carrying the neck of Jake's guitar!

"Trixie! What have you done?!" He yells, eyes wide.

Grabbing it out of her mouth, he marches into the room we were practising in. The body of the guitar isn't damaged, but it's somehow become detached from its neck.

"You little shit!" He says jokingly, quickly returning to his cheery demeanour as he strolls back into the kitchen.

"What, it's not a big deal? If something happened to my bass I'd probably die."

"Maybe, but it's Trixie so..." Jakes sentence dwindles off. "Also, did you see her face when she walked in?"

"Yeah, that was so funny!" I laugh a little too much; maybe it's because of the alcohol. Jake doesn't stop staring at me.

"What?" I say, giving him a quizzical look.

"Nothing, I just didn't give you a reward like I promised."

"Oh, that? It doesn-" I'm cut off by him taking hold of my jaw; suddenly, but softly. He looks into my eyes for a brief moment, then closes the gap gently.

I'm shocked for a second, frozen with my eyes open. But in that moment, I remember what Andy had said to me last night.

"You're such a man-whore!" His words echo round my head. You know what: if he wants to be jealous, maybe I'll give him something to be jealous about.

I wrap my arms around Jake and close my eyes, opening my lips into the kiss.

His lips are so soft. Softer than Andy's. Curious, I move my hand tentatively down his back, towards his butt. Almost immediately, he pulls back, looking at me with guilty eyes.

"Ashley... You have a boyfriend."

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