Chapter 18: Ashley's POV

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Chapter 18: Ashley's POV

Go for it Ash, it was the happiest moment of your life. You need to know, for better or worse. You'll regret it if you don't ask him now. Anyway, he wouldn't have kissed you if he didn't like you in that way... Right?

Just as I've worked up the courage and take a breath to speak, he says something.

"I need to go..." He starts to stand up.

"Oh, where are you going?"

"Just somewhere."

"Is it important? I was hoping to hang out with you again tonight." He can't leave me, I need to find out.

"Sorry Ash, another time, okay? It's just-" He sighs. "See you around."

The way he said goodbye to me hurts. It's the way you speak to someone when you're breaking up with them - though there was no real relationship in the first place.

He seems to be in a rush to get out of the door as well. Why is he being so vague? He's probably going on a date... Has he replaced me already? But I suppose he can't really replace me if there was nothing between us.

I decide to go back to my hotel room: I may as well pack up my stuff  to keep my mind busy.

I walk as fast as I can to stop the overwhelming paranoia that is slowly taking hold of me. Obviously not fast enough, because as I heave the hotel door open, I feel something wet fall onto my cheek.

I rush upstairs, keeping my head down so no one can see this moment of weakness. As soon as I get to my room, I slam the door behind me and collapse, leaning against it for support.

I instinctively curl up, and I wish that someone was here to hold me. That someone, however, is the cause of all this.

I honestly thought that I meant something, that I was somebody to him. I thought I had a chance. I was wrong.

He led me on. Or maybe I just led myself on - he was drunk, I should have known that he kissed me in a drunken stupor. But I didn't: I told myself that he really did it out of love. Of course he didn't.

Of course he never loved me.

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