Chapter 52: Ashley's POV

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I've been sat in this cramped tour bus for hours now; tapping my fingers on the table, shuffling my feet, humming random tunes; anything to distract me from the torture of waiting for news about CC.

The door opens, slamming against the wall of the bus - I jump up, ready to take Andy into the tightest hug - only, it's not Andy. John stands there, bewildered, as I take a few steps back.

"Yes?" I say, attempting to regain some of my dignity.

"They're back."

Those two words make me tumble down the steps, out of the door, across the gravel, flinging my arms around Andy.

"Babe, what happened?" I say softly, looking up at him. I step back slightly when I become aware that anyone could have just seen us hugging - that conversation's not happening any time soon.

"Just a couple of fractures, luckily no permanent damage, we can afford the medical bill. But..." There's a but? I press my lips together, waiting for him to continue. "CC's not gonna be playing the drums for months."

I'm speechless. Nothing this bad has ever really happened before. Sure, Andy would get sick now and then, but he could still perform. I have no idea how to deal with this.

We stand there for a minute, a gentle breeze playing with his unruly hair, just thinking in the safe darkness of night.

"Come on, we'd better head inside." Andy murmurs softly, beckoning me over. I reluctantly follow, taking a last glance at the perfect solitude of the black outside, before I step into the welcoming glow of the tour bus.

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