Chapter 28: Ashley's POV

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The hotel in front of us looks average; at least it's not a flea-infested stinkhole, right?

The bravest of us all - Andy, of course - steps up to the door and heaves it open.

Standing on the entrance step, he beckons us to follow him. As if! We stay outside, watching what we're able to, through the mucky panes of glass I take to be windows.

He strides confidently to the main desk, which is vast and made of dark wood, and looks antique but not well cared for.

"Hello?" He seems a bit taken aback when a wisened man appears from the shadows; face all wrinkled and worn.

"Yes, boy?"

We erm... We were wondering if there are any rooms for us to stay in?" His voice breaks slightly with nervousness. He's so sweet!

"Names." The receptionist says briskly.

I assist Andy, stating all the names of our band, and then our tour crew. When I've finished, we head towards the stairs.

"Should be enough rooms up there. Just make sure you don't step on the rats: they're quite vicious."

He grins lopsidedly, exposing his yellowed teeth. I get the feeling he's giving me an evil look, but I can't really tell due to his bushy silver eyebrows.

Being the darkest one out of the band, Jinxx heads up the stairs rapidly, stairs squeaking on almost every step.

We all tread carefully, in a single-file line, and then we're stood in the corridor.

There are six rooms, but more than one bed in each, so there should be enough space to sleep.

As I'm the last upstairs, I watch as everyone scrambles for the least falling-apart bedrooms.

I guess I should find a room to sleep in. Heading towards the last door, I peer into it.

A/N Wow! 1K reads! Just to acknowledge all of you guys who comment and vote, I've probably told you this but it really does make me happy, so thank you! :D

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