Chapter 53: Andy's POV

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It's been decided. We're putting the tour on hold and taking a rest day; naturally, our first thought was to visit CC.

I hold Ashley's hand and swing our arms back and forth as we dawdle into CC's ward - he was kept overnight for observation.

Scanning the room for his familiar face, I hesitate. I can't see him anywhere. No, wait, there he is.

Face unfamiliar with all these new bruises, he's obviously in a deep sleep, busy recovering.

"Hey bud." I whisper softly, pulling up a chair to sit by him. Stroking his bedraggled hair, I brush my hand against his gently. Ashley gives me a warning look. "What? It's not like I'm going to wake him-"

CC sits up sharply, looking around with an uncanny resemblance to a meerkat. "Wake who up?"

I hit him playfully on the shoulder, grinning. "You almost gave me a heart attack, you idiot!"

Chuckling along with me, he murmurs an "I know" and brings me in for an awkward, one-arm hug; the other one being in a plaster cast and all.

"I don't need your sympathy, you know." He says, pulling away. "It was my own fault, after all."

"Of course it wasn't!" Ashley exclaims, making me shush him so as to not wake any other patients. Thankfully, he lowers his voice, grinning. "You didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose you."

And then CC smiles. The first genuine, heartfelt one I've seen from him for a long time.

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